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My Compliments to The Crew...

Posted on Tue 18th Oct, 2016 @ 12:57pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

Hi all,

I've just caught up on a small back log of posts that I had and I just wanted to say how impressed I was with the imagination, detail and writing skill of all those who have posted in the last couple of weeks! It truly is a joy to read and be a part of!

I know that Susan and Jenny are also undertaking a small addition to our Tivoli Gardens setup... which is going to be amazing! For those of you who don't know what Tivoli Gardens is, check out the Wiki... Susan put a lot of time and effort into the original creation back on Starbase Protector and we're incredibly lucky to have it transferred over to Vanguard!

An update on the mission... I know that you are all enjoying the countless system faults on the station at the moment! James and Brandon are working on a deeper issue which will explain some of the problems with the systems, so look forward to their JP coming soon!

I have just written a post, which I aim to publish either today or tomorrow of the Renown meeting the Romulans and starting their investigation! As I eluded to at the start of this mission, I don't want it to be a particularly long one... just something to break the ice with us all before we crack on with our Christmas mission!

Which brings me nicely onto the holiday season. For me, as I'm sure for many others, the holiday season is a busy one with regards to work! We go into six day working weeks and 12-14 hour days. This isn't to say that simming will stop, however I will naturally have slighlty less time for it throughout December.

Now, if you all want a proper mission over that period then that is definitely something that I will commit to. However, the alternative is having a slightly lighter mission... something along the lines of an old planned mission called, 'Cirque Du Protector'. A travelling troupe come onto the Starbase to entertain all during the holiday season, but they have an alterior motive and murders start happening! Sort of a Christmas murder mystery mission! So, let me know what you think of that!

All the best for now!


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Comments (1)

by on Wed 19th Oct, 2016 @ 2:56am

I'd dearly love to have the circus come to town again! Good idea.