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What is going to happen whilst the away team are gone....

Posted on Sat 8th Oct, 2016 @ 11:07am by Commander Zachary Hunt

Hey guys,

So those characters that are not on the away team;
Zachary Hunt (James), Ricardo Shepherd (Brandon), Chlamydia Addams (Jenny), Kyle Green (Christian), Sianna Dal (Andrej) & Jade Lantz (Susan), there is a plan for something to happen on Vanguard to happen whilst they are away to make it more interesting for us!

What's going to happen is along this route....There are going to be a number of system errors and malfunctions, leading up to an explosion on the Promenade killing some people. After an investigation and accusations being thrown away, it will be due to shoddy engineering repair work. The officer responsible is brought up on chargers. We feel sorry for him as he was under so much pressure but also blame him.

This will and can involve all of you that are left on Vanguard, so we can do some JP's, you can do solo posts about certain areas starting to malfunction and make it into an interesting story line.

If this sounds good, and you're happy then feel free to write a post, any queries just comment below!



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Comments (3)

by on Sat 8th Oct, 2016 @ 9:34pm

I'm not a guy, fella. =) I'm going to suggest that those who are left on the ship choose a shop-owner NPC. If the ones listed and empty are not appealing, one of the admin people can add others.

I'm also going to ask that the damage not involve decks 599-601 and decks 1549-1555. Thanks. =)


by on Sat 8th Oct, 2016 @ 9:37pm

Oh, and if you look here, you can see on what deck some of the shops are.

by Commander Zachary Hunt on Sun 9th Oct, 2016 @ 2:22pm

Sorry Susan, force of habit saying guys! That sounds like a good idea if everyone is up for that. That sounds absolutely fine. If you name the deck we can damage we will go along with that one?
