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Sim and Fleet Awards!

Posted on Mon 23rd Jan, 2023 @ 7:14am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Tue 24th Jan, 2023 @ 8:11am

Lovely and gracious crew! Theta Fleet awards have been awarded. I'd heard that Adm. Burke was having a difficult time working out with fleet leadership who should be awarded what, so I didn't check right away. Then medical stuff happened. Today I checked, and the awards were listed!

Fleet Awards for December 2022 activity:
Gold Unit of Merit award: SB-109!
Writer of the Month: Susan for her "Storytelling #1" post.
Task Group Commanding Officer Award of Merit for TG 51-A. I thought we were in 51-B? *scratches head*

Fleet Awards for Fourth Quarter, 2022
* Sim of the Quarter: SB109! From Theta Fleet Command Staff: Two of the three members of the command team stepped down this quarter and a new member stepped up. While this was going on, the crew were actively continuing stories and starting new plot twists. It's a complex sim, and the crew has taken to it very well.
* Writer of the Quarter: Susan! From Theta Fleet Command Staff: Susan stepped down as part of the command team, but she continues to be actively involved in posts. Her writing is excellent and she is always willing to help others.

Annual Fleet Awards for 2022 Drum roll, please!
* Sim of the Year: Starbase 109!!! From Theta Fleet Command Staff: While the sim has a mission that changes every few months, it is a collection of stories revolving around the crew and personnel who live and work on the starbase. The characters are quirky and engaging, as are the stories they write.
* Player of the Year: SB109 - Susan From Thera Fleet Command Staff: Susan was one of the command team until recently when she needed to step down, but she continues to be actively involved in the sim and helps out where needed. She is also a great writer and has a number of characters to help others with stories.

You all should be extremely proud of yourselves. Sim of the Quarter and Sim of the Year are a fantastic achievement! Susan, congratulations on your awards for Writer of the Month/Quarter and Player of the Year. They are richly deserved. You do a LOT for this sim, and I am pleased that fleet command recognizes it.

I am so proud of you all, I could burst! This month starts a new year, and I look forward to what new adventures it will bring to our sim. Sincerest congratulations to all of you!

for the Command Team


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