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January Awards

Posted on Sun 19th Feb, 2023 @ 4:08am by
Edited on Fri 3rd Mar, 2023 @ 8:02am

Dear Crew,

Lest you think that we didn't win any awards for January, I thought I'd put this up! We slowed way down, as most sims do in December, but we waited until January, dropping to only 20 post counts for the month. However, that was enough to garner the Bronze Unit of Distinction still, tied with SB400, Standing Bear, Ontario, and Wolff. It must have been a popular month for 20 post counts!

In addition, Brandon and Susan won the Theta Fleet Post of the Month, again a tie. Their winning JP was "Be It Ever So Humble". This post shows the new commander's priorities, and why she was such a good diplomat, as well as her concern for those who live in Brown Sector.

The tying post of the month was Ontario: "Black Dahlias" (

Thank you for continuing to post through our transition period. I know it is sometimes hard when things are in chaos, but I appreciate all of you who keep the mission going. We are down further for February, but there are still 9 days in which we can get JPs finished and posted. There are plenty of them being written, so push on, valiant crew!

Thank you,

Susan, of no particular assignment


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