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Greetings from Coronaville

Posted on Sat 28th Mar, 2020 @ 3:22pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Sat 28th Mar, 2020 @ 3:24pm

Hello, all--

First off, kudoes to Mike/Dallas Briggs and Charlene/Kiara Lena for their posts! I've very much enjoyed reading them. :) I am in the middle of writing posts with several other people, so we hope to have those posted soon.

School hit me hard this term, with a math class that was a real bugger bear. Currently, I am in a health information technology course, which is going a lot better, but it is also a lot to learn. The coronavirus, however, has given me lots and lots of study time. Yay?

I hope all of you are healthy or at least staying home if you're not so healthy. We'll get through this together.

Warmest regards and best wishes to you all!

On behalf of the command team


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