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March Fleet Report

Posted on Wed 8th Apr, 2020 @ 5:31am by

Sim Name: Starbase 109 / SB109

Task Group: 51-B

URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer: Hikari Suzuki (Commodore Suzuki)

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: None

Number of Members at beginning of month: 13
Names of Crew Departed during month: Solan Jekkar, Joshua - inactivity
Names of Crew added during month: None
Number of crew at end of month: 12

Title of current mission: Resolution
Description of current mission: We have a science mission that has disappeared.  We have a Klingon and a Vulcan Ambassador out chasing pirates.  We are changing security protocols on fighters and planning many assaults on pirates in the neighborhood.  And some other things are still hanging fire.

Short summary of mission progress during the month: We had a slow month with a couple of major players on ELOA, but there was some movement detected here and there. Brown Sector is being explored more.  (That was February, but ditto for March, plus what's above in mission description.)

Number of Posts: 16 (and our heads hang low in shame)
Average posts per user: 1.23

What have you done this month to change your sim? Not one thing.  I'm one of the people who has been missing in action this month - all the command team has been, with one thing or another, but half us us will be back in April.

Noteworthy event on your sim during the month: None

Awards (if any) given during the month: None but longevity.

Longevity Awards: 

Mikaela Locke, 7 years (across both versions of the sim) on March 19
Additional Comments:

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason: Charlene receives our nomination this month.  During her 8 months on the sim, she has created several characters who have become indispensable to our story lines.  Each is different from the others and each is played as needed, for a total of 50 posts.  Her characters have added greatly to the voice of SB109

Player of the Month Nomination and reason:  Ruth has shown great versatility in playing Romulans on SB109.  Her characters always have a wonderful depth to them and often make me either laugh or cry.  She plays well opposite anyone on the crew, and something that rouses emotions comes from her story lines.  In March, there's both a heartfelt reunion and a bit of romance beginning with separate characters.  I can't wait to read more of them, and of the good the doctor and his daughter are doing in the Brown Sector.

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL): Change of Command is a backpost where Mike introduces a new character, Commander Zed.  Reading the post gives a little information about Zed, and who she is, and tantalizes the readers with what might be coming our way on SB109.  Mike stepped up with this idea when we were low on posts, and actually posted two Commander Zed posts!

Submitted by SB109's command committee


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