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February Awards and March Posting

Posted on Fri 20th Mar, 2020 @ 4:10am by

Hello, Everyone!

I hope none of you is suffering from the COVID-19 virus, and by now you are all adjusting to the new normals in our lives with the virus restrictions. One thing that isn't restricted is ... SIMMING!

We are already socially distanced (and new vocabulary hits the market!), and we can get together as often as we want to write. So ... why aren't we? Thus far in March, we have 2 posts ... which is really only one on March 4th, but it involved two characters. Let's see if we can rise above that embarrassingly low total by finishing some of the posts that we all have started. The Command Team is as guilty here as anyone else, but there are, in fact, over twenty that haven't been finished! Could we finish what's possible to finish and delete what isn't?

On to awards. Apparently, we weren't the only low posting February sim. With 24 posts, we STILL got the Silver Unit of Distinction for Area 51, though we are sharing it with S. S. Boreas this time. Congratulations!

In addition, Player of the Month for the fleet has a tie between our LCDR Alora Baro (Christina) and Commander Rhyan on U. S. S. Redemption. SB109: Alora Baro (Christina) because of her willingness to step into any situation and play the part she's asked to play. She is quick on her feet, and finds ways to incorporate her character's personality and career wherever she is playing. Congratulations, Christina!

Thanks to all of you for playing!

The Command Team


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