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Personal Update

Posted on Tue 19th Nov, 2019 @ 12:00pm by Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov

Hello All,

I apologize for the disappearance act. In all honesty I thought I had sent something out already but when I checked this morning I didn't see it.
On November 5th, our Matthew Richard Beatty was born into the world at 8 pounds 8 ounces at precisely 3PM in the after noon -- less than an hour and a half after my wife and I got to the hospital. As many of you can surely imagine, we've been very busy with our newborn as well as ensuring that our 3 year old doesn't feel estranged. Thankfully, Robbie is absolutely enjoying the fact that he is a big brother now.

I'm going to be returning to writing within the next few days and will respond to any log that is waiting on me around then. Thanks for your patience and understanding.




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Comments (3)

by on Tue 19th Nov, 2019 @ 6:54pm

Mazeltov! Here's to the continued health of baby and mama.

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 20th Nov, 2019 @ 12:41am

Congratulations to you and your family, Rob! I love that there's now a real Matthew to go along with the fictional one. :)


by on Thu 21st Nov, 2019 @ 2:18am

Congratulations to you, your wife, and Robbie, and kudos to Matthew for picking such a fine family and big brother, too!