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Happy Apollo Day!

Posted on Sat 20th Jul, 2019 @ 12:01pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Sun 21st Jul, 2019 @ 3:11pm

On this day in 1969, astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, with astronaut Michael Collins in the lunar control module, ensuring that they could get home.

Today, several countries are planning efforts for humanity to return to the moon, including India, China, Israel, and the United States. Commercial efforts from several companies are also ongoing, including SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, and SpaceIL.

Today, let's celebrate their efforts and the work of the men and women who got us there fifty years ago.

Perhaps you might watch Apollo 13, or Hidden Figures today, or listen to President John F. Kennedy's speech originally given at Rice University, in which he explained the reasons to do this.

My father worked at NASA during Apollo 11, and I remember watching the mission on TV for three days straight.

Interesting factoid: Buzz Aldrin brought to the moon a charter from the Grand Lodge of Texas for the formation of Tranquility Lodge #2000 It meets quarterly at different cities in Texas until such time as it can meet on the moon. (Got to love forward thinking like that!) Its main goals are education of children and improvement of life for people on Earth.

Wishing you all a lovely Apollo Day! Drink plenty of water if you go outside. It's hot, hot, hot today. For your viewing pleasure, here is a Youtube video of the moon launch presentation shown on the Washington Monument:

Apollo 50: Go for the Moon

Chantal, for the Leadership Team


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Comments (1)

by on Tue 23rd Jul, 2019 @ 10:36am

Thanks for posting that, Chantal! The moon landing is one of those things that everyone alive that day, and old enough to remember, can tell exactly where they were. It looks like we'll be going back in 2024, and with a woman walking there! And on to Mars, as well.