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Awards: June / 2nd Q 2019

Posted on Sun 14th Jul, 2019 @ 7:27pm by

Hello! Greetings from the Close Cover Before Striking Correspondence School of Fiction Writing! I come to you today bearing news from Theta Fleet about the Fleet Awards for June and the second quarter of 2019[1].

As a group we took Silver for the Area 51 unit of distinction, which has become our accustomed place, behind the posting machine that is USS Hera. Susan received player of the month, and for Task Force 51-B, our task force CO gave us their personal award of merit.

For the 2Q Awards, we as a group received the Area 51 Sim of the Quarter award, with this citation: "The sim is run by three lovely ladies, and a wonderful group of writers. They frequently come up with some amazing posts and storylines." (Though I do feel obliged to point out that the game is run by two lovely ladies and one grumpy, irritable, and otherwise difficult me).

And player of the quarter? To the surprise of absolutely no one, it's Susan! "Not only is Susan one of the three people running SB109, she has been instrumental in keeping people posting and in welcoming new players. She makes everyone feel welcome and involved."

Thanks to everyone for your hard work making Starbase 109 a place which frequently comes up with amazing posts and storylines! See ya in the funny pages!


1) When I was naught more than a wee bairn, I used to think about the year 2000 and think, "I'll be 3* then! That's old!" How I laugh now.


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Comments (1)

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Mon 15th Jul, 2019 @ 5:50am

All of you folks are what make this sim such a wonderful place to write in.

Well don and well deserved, Susan!