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Posted on Sun 21st Jul, 2019 @ 12:13am by

What the &*#$ are We Doing!?

Hi, fellow writers. I'm Jennifer Linsky, and you may know me from such science-fiction classics as Flowers of Luna or Star Trek: Starbase 109. I'm here today to talk to you about plot and participation. As I get started, I'd like to attach two caveats: First, no part of following should in any way be read as criticism of any particular individual. And secondly, if I sound (read?) grumpy, it's not because of this missive; I'm just a native of grumptown.

Anyway, it has come to my attention that some people may not know what the current main storyline even is. I accept a fair share of the responsibility for this situation, as I am happy to ride along with whatever y'all come up with on the edges, while trying to subtly steer the course in the center. Perhaps I am too subtle.

So here's what's currently going on at Starbase 109.

1) Going all the way back to Jamie's time in the Big Chair (so big, it now takes three of us to fill it!) and the mission "Wrongs Darker than Death or Night," we've been working on unraveling a part of Starbase 109's history -- a dark part, both in the sense that it was deeply unethical, and in the sense that we don't know much about it. A former commander of the base, Admiral Adrien Dobbs, conducted secret biomechanical experiments on unwilling participants, in an effort to come up with weapons to fight the Borg with, if not their own fire, then at least a very similar one.

This storyline is continued in the recent posts regarding Zelda and her merged personalities, with inquiry currently focused on how she came to have a ring grown by the Dobbs process embedded in her finger. Recent posts by our CMO and Counselor have also tied in the past events of the Briggs couple, and perhaps current events with them as well. I expect to be roping the CSO into that very soon now.

2) Piracy / Smuggling -- really became a focus when Chantal, Susan and I took over management of the game. Starbase 109 is sitting on the edge of Federation space facing both the Klingon Empire and the former Romulan Star Empire. The post "Strategy and Tactics" is a good primer on this situation. We just wrapped up a sub-plot on this where the parents of our CMO were pretending to be pirates in order to gather intelligence. We still need to have someone debrief them on what they found.

Also, Zelda and her co-personalities were originally brought in in relation to this plotline, and not the previous; it was the discovery of the ring which bridged her over to the first storyline.

3) The Besm thing. The Besm are a near-Human species who inhabit a world they call Home, which is currently a Federation Protectorate World, and not a full member. A very small number of Besm have served in Starfleet. They have leased twenty decks in our station to establish an off-world enclave, a part of their preparations for founding their own daughter colonies at some point in the future.

The work on the twenty decks they leased led to the tram incident, which is now all over but the shouting.

If you are at a loss for how you can connect your character to one of these main plotlines, or want to set up your own subplot, please contact one of us'ns for discussion and assistance. While we recognize and are generally pretty laissez-faire about the fact that different people have different capacity to participate in the game, we do request and require folk to read each other's posts and generally keep up with current events on the base. If you see something you'd like to get in on, don't hesitate -- we're all here because we enjoy writing together; if not, we'd be off scribbling in notebooks and hiding them away in our desks.


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