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September Award!

Posted on Mon 15th Oct, 2018 @ 7:05pm by

Well, for one reason and another, September was a very slow month. That slowness took us out of the running for most fleet level awards, but we did receive a special quarterly award from the Area 51 admin:

Special Award: Starbase 109
For taking family relations and sub-plots to create an engaging, complex series of posts. SB109 takes great delight in not only keeping missions alive and interesting, but also developing a complex network of stories that revolve on and around the starbase.

And our local awards!

Susan / Elizabeth Anderson: Cupid Award
Chantal / Damion Ildaran: Cupid Award
Allison / Brooklyn Wellington: Cupid Award
Ruth / Khellian s'Siedhri: Cupid Award

Writer of the Month:
Allison / LCOL Brooklyn Wellington, for continuing to plumb the depths of her character's identity and motivations.

Player of the Month:
Brandon / Lieutenant Isabella Perry, for coming back off of the move across the Atlantic ocean and bouncing in posting with both fists.

Post of the Month:
Needing Support ( ). LCOL Wellington and Dr. s'Siedhri advance their relationship.

Thanks, everyone, for sticking with us and writing exciting storylines!


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