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August Awards

Posted on Mon 17th Sep, 2018 @ 11:09pm by
Edited on Wed 19th Sep, 2018 @ 1:04am

If you haven't followed the Theta Fleet Awards posts, you might not know that for August, SB109 received Silver Unit of Distinction for Area 51, the TGCO Unit of Merit for Area 51-B and the Post of the Month Award for Area 51. The Post of the Month is "One is None" ( ) Lt. Col. Wellington and Major Cassidy share a bottle of "something pink" and discuss losing limbs to the enemy. If you haven't read it, shame on you; it's quite a wonderful post.

Congratulations for all the hard work in August. Without the efforts of every player, we couldn't keep earning awards. You are a great group of writers and storytellers. Thanks for playing on our team!

We've slowed down a lot this month (only NINE posts so far!), with several major players on ELOA or otherwise occupied, but we hope in these last two weeks, we can get some of those waiting posts out. We know everyone does what we can, and Jenny always says real life and family come first. I agree completely, and we hope to find time for both real life and simming this month. =)

The Command Team


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