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Halloween and Upcoming Plots

Posted on Wed 31st Oct, 2018 @ 7:56pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

On behalf of the leadership team, I'd like to wish all of you a very happy Halloween and/or Samhain or All Saints' Day or El Dia de los Muertos, whichever you might celebrate!

It has been a rather slow month. We have been dealing with illness, the crunch time that comes at the end of an undergraduate college term, completing a master's thesis, and travel.

In case you were wondering--yes, we will have another Addams Family Halloween event; we're just trying to figure out how to top last year's! I believe Grandmama Addams will be involved.

We have a few loose plot threads that need to be tied up:

1. The Vulcan lady in the stasis pod.
2. Smuggling operations on the station (tribbles, Romulan ale, and remat detonators, to name a few things).
3. The chick with the signaller and the poison ring.
4. The awards ceremony (post in progress!).
5. La Llorona and Dr. Anderson.
6. Brooklyn's PTSD.

Ongoing plots:
1. Love is in the air--between Brooklyn Wellington and Khellian s'Siedhri, and between Elizabeth Anderson and Damion Ildaran.
2. Durant Repair Services--Baro Alora and Damion Ildaran will assist in investigating the smugglers. There is at least one natural suspect who falls within their 'jurisdiction.'

New/Upcoming Stuff:

1. We have a new Trill diplomat on board. He will be coming by to meet people ASAP.
2. The aforementioned Halloween party.
3. Dinner with (at least) Captain Suzuki, Commander Locke, and Envoy Iril. Possibly also the BESM ambassador?

Please feel welcome to fit your character into any of the above plots, or create your own!

The Leadership Team


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