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The Build Up

Posted on Thu 2nd Aug, 2018 @ 6:23pm by Eddie Hunt

1,516 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 1553: Hunt's Fortune
Timeline: MD13 1500 Hours

The time was creeping up for the Grand Opening. The last two weeks for Eddie had been a bit of a whirlwind: he had found a body in the casino he purchased, he had completely renovated the casino, he kept most of the merchandise already in the casino, but added some newer tech in to help with ease, he arranged for the gardens to come toward the casino, he had worked with a counselor to help with potential gambling issues - the list was nearly endless.

He was happy with the amount of work he had put in and hoped it was all worth it. He looked forward to the people he was going to be working with. He glanced up at the sign of the casino. The light up red words of Casino Royale were long gone and had been replaced with an elegant white and gold sign which read 'Hunt's Fortune'. It was a name that was both for him and his brother. One which would hopefully be around for a long time. His eyes moved down toward the entrance and the flowers surrounding it. A woman was attending to the flowers outside and making a couple of last minute changes.

"These flowers for the entrance are even more beautiful then I could have imagined, Flavia," He said to her, just before he went into the casino.

She smiled at him distractedly. "Of course they are. Most people don't have the same vision a florist has. Flowers are our lives. Thank you for noticing, that was a lovely compliment."

She looked over at one of the people she'd hired for the evening, "No, no, sweetie, not there. White on the inside, gold around the edges."

With a nod, the woman, for she wasn't a girl in spite of be addressed as "sweetie", picked the plant up again and moved around to the left before setting it down.

Walking through remodeled entrance, Jade was surrounded by activity. She recalled her own opening night, in the very first Orchids & Jazz ... was that five back or six? She could instantly recall the anticipation, the fluttery feelings in her stomach, and the fear that everything would be an absolute failure and no customers would walk through the door. It hadn't happened, and life had been a mad ride since then. She wondered if Hunt had similar feelings, or if he was completely confident about everything he did succeeding. Maybe she'd ask him. Probably she wouldn't.

Her eyes found him off to the right, nodding his head over something with one of his beautifully dressed hostesses, this one wearing a white dress with a gold tunic that fastened slightly above waist level. The style was appealing and non-restrictive, with its full draped skirt ending about half-way to the floor, and the tunic perhaps an inch shorter. Jade approved of the person who'd chosen it.

Eddie glanced upwards as he noticed Miss Lantz walking towards him. It was only after his encounter with her that he found out that Jade chaired the Promenade Business Association, and she had offered to give him a hand before the Grand Opening. He was grateful for any help he could get, but he had misjudged what needed doing. Most of it was already complete, only the finer details here and there. "Ahhhh Jade, it is nice to see you. Are you able to get out to events such as these a lot?" he asked.

"When I choose to do so," she answered, half-smiling. "Who would want to miss the grand opening of the year? It looks beautiful, of course. Mrs. Smith's flowers are always exactly right, and your ladies look amazing walking among the white-suited men. Do you have everything under control? I don't see anyone running about breathlessly."

"You're so kind. I'm sure there have been bigger openings somewhere, though," he smiled. "I think I do, I woke this morning a bag of nerves, but they've settled for now and everything seems to be ready. Weirdly, I've not had a single problem. Hopefully it isn't some kind of omen for it all to happen at once!"

Lantz laughed, "No, when you plan well, things tend to go smoothly. I believe you've probably thought of everything, and you are reaping the rewards for that. Would you care to show me around before the huge crowds begin banging to get in?"

"I think I am reaping those rewards. I mean, things I didn't even think of ended up being thought of by chance or bumping into the right person," he smiled. "Of course, I will show you around the casino, not the hotel. The hotel isn't the main attraction of this place, but it's still being opened as well. What did you think of the new sign? And did you see the giant mural on the wall outside. Every six months that's going to be changed and an artist is going to be invited to paint. It only got finished last night!"

"I hope you are already seeing plenty of bookings in the hotel end of things, though. I did notice the signage and the mural. I like the new name much better. It has flair. The mural is astonishing in its use of color. It's there, you see it, but it also blends into the surroundings. Who's the artist? A civilian on the base, or did you import someone?"

"The hotel is fully booked for the next two and a half weeks, so something has gone right somewhere with it! This event has been getting bigger and bigger every day, I guess it helps that Miss Post from FNS is involved, too," Eddie said as he started taking Jade around the casino. "In answer to your question, the artist is a man called Arthur Holdings. He lives on the base and works as an accountant or something but sells his artwork to get that extra money. He came down with another artist and they worked together on it. I think it looks amazing, it will be a shame that someone will paint over it down the line, but I'm going to have a screen in the casino which will show off all the murals that have been."

"Hmmm. Maybe the new artists should paint on screens and you should open an art gallery to display them when there are a few. Something to think about. If you don't jump on the idea, I might. I hate to think of this one being painted over!" She followed him into the main casino and stood on the top of five broad steps, looking down into the room. "I see screens over every table. What's that about?"

"That's a really good idea, I will see what I can do with that. I've got someone who has helped me install the tech around the place, so I'm sure he would be happy to help. Ahhhh so there's two screens per table. One simply will show you how the game is played, for the beginners, and the 2nd will show a live stream of the table. One, it helps spot cheaters at a distance and two, hopefully when someone is on that lucky streak, people always want to watch, so it will be good for them as well," Eddie explained.

"And maybe encourage them to play the game. Never hurts," Jade smiled. "You seem to have a nice variety of games going. Do you have a personal favorite? Or are you an owner and not a gambler?"

Flavia approached them at that moment. "I'm sorry to interrupt," she said, "but I wanted you to know all the floral displays are up, and I'm sending the set-up team home, if there's nothing else you need from us."

"No need to apologize. I think it looks absolutely fabulous, Flavia. Thank you for everything, as well. Will you be coming for the Grand Opening later?" he asked.

"Marcus and I wouldn't miss it," she replied with a smile. "Both of us wish you the best success." Turning to Jade, she added, "I presume we'll see you later, as well."

"Oh, I expect to be around for a while, perhaps trying my hand at some of these very interesting games," Miss Lantz agreed. "You've done a wonderful job with the flowers. They go so well with the entire casino's grand opening theme."

"Thank you, that's kind of you. I might have to send you a new orchid for that!" Laughing, she walked away.

"I can see you gamble, even if only on people," Jade said to Eddie.

"Oh, on that note, I never answered your question...I tend to go towards poker if I have a chance, but you're right. I will always try to give people opportunities, and it's up to them if they seize them," Eddie looked at Jade and smiled. "Not everyone has the opportunity to give those out though."

"Not everyone who does have the ability to give an opportunity chooses to do so. I think I'm going to like you, Eddie Hunt," Jade said, with a small smile.


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