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Posted on Sat 21st Jul, 2018 @ 7:50pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington

1,118 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: SB 109; Infirmary
Timeline: MD 04

Wellington readied her fighter as her hands poised on her flight stick and throttle, waiting for the sensor beep to indicate the Orion had dropped his cloak. She knew with his ego, he would want to make the kill at a close range--his mistake. Then there was the beep. In a split second, Wellington, flipped her fighter and engaged the warp engines as the Orion fired a barrage of Disruptor fire. The impact seemed to freeze time to Wellington as she felt herself weightless on impact, being held by her harness. It was as if all time had stopped briefly as her fighter collided with the Orion's.

Wellington jumped, shooting into a sitting position--her bed sheets and gown soaked in sweat. It felt as if her heart would beat itself out of her chest. After a moment, she realized she was still in her Infirmary room. She glanced at her amputated arm and collapsed back onto the bed, catching her breath. She hated these nightmares as the sound of the intercom sounded. "Colonel Wellington?"

"What is it?" she snapped, still breathing hard.

"Your family is here to visit," the voice of the desk nurse responded.

"Shit," she breathed. Knowing them--especially her mother, they wouldn't leave until she saw her. "Fine, let them in."

Brooklyn sat up straighter in her bed as her mother, brother, sister, and her father entered the room. Brooklyn's mother immediately rushed to her side, hugging her. "Thank god, you're alright."

"She's not alright," her father said in a bitter voice, eyeing her missing arm. "Her foolish choice to serve in Starfleet has cost her an arm."

"Dad!," her brother snapped. "Not now!"

"I have heard you had challenged an enemy fighter and now look what your bull-headed decision has cost you. Your arm! You were always making rash decisions and now it's catching up with you!" her father continued.

"That is enough!" Wellington's mother stood and stepped towards her husband. "Once she heals, she can leave Starfleet and come home, where she belongs."

Wellington glared at her parents. "I am not leaving Starfleet and I sure as hell won't be going back to Lunar One with you! I am home!" Wellington then looked at her father. "First, the enemy pilot issued the challenge after he killed eight of my fucking pilots!" she was now screaming. "I confronted him to save the lives of the men and women under my command! I don't expect you to understand anything about sacrifice! Now get the hell out of my sight!"

Her family stood in shock at the outburst that came from Wellington. "Brooklyn...dear. If you would just listen..." her mother began.

"No! You listen to me! Get. Out. Of. My. Sight. Now!" Wellington seethed.

Rose O'Malley had heard enough as she waited outside of the room, having wanted to visit her CO. She wasn't going to let anyone get her boss upset as she stepped into the room. "I believe Colonel Wellington has asked you all to leave. She needs her rest. Do not make me have to call Security and have you escorted out," O'Malley stated in a stern tone.

Wellington's mother let out a sigh. "Very well. We will come back when she is feeling better."

Wellington watched as her family leave, fighting back tears. She both loved and hated them at the same time. She just couldn't understand why they couldn't accept her decision to be in Starfleet. "Thank you, O'Malley."

O'Malley closed the door before turning and smiling at her CO. "It's good to see you, ma'am."

"You too, lieutenant. How is the department?" Wellington asked. She missed being in her office, monitoring flights, and especially the sight, sounds, and smells of the flight deck.

"Well, Major Cassidy seems to be doing a good job of being the CAG until you return to duty," O'Malley reported. "You are coming back, aren't you, ma'am?"

Wellington nodded, "that's the plan. I'm just waiting for the replacement to finish being grown, then physical therapy, and then I'll be back." She wanted to be positive for O'Malley though she herself was riddled with doubt. Her arm had a special sleeve on it, designed to stimulate the nerves in her arm to keep the endings alive. It was the cause of her constant pain medication as the sleeve at times caused some discomfort when it activated.

O'Malley smiled. "That's good to hear, ma'am. The memorial service for the eight that we lost was well done."

Wellington looked at O'Malley for a minute. "They already had the service?"

"Yes ma'am," O'Malley nodded.

Wellington's face fell as she dropped her eyes to her bed. "I should have been there," she said softly.

O'Malley stepped closer and placed her hand on Wellington's hand. "We all know, ma'am. Just worry about getting better. We don't need to lose you as well. You're a source of motivation for the pilots."

Wellington grinned. "I'm not that special."

"The hell you aren''am," O'Malley replied. "Your deed during your last flight was nothing short of amazing. Who else could ram into an enemy fighter at Warp and survive? Some of the guys even think you're a good luck charm."

"A...god luck charm?" Wellington asked, surprised. "How is that?"

O'Malley smiled and blushed. "'s best I show you." She stood as grabbed a PaDD of the nearby table and tapped in a few codes and turned the PaDD to show Wellington the video.

On the screen, a bolian strutted out the locker room, wearing nothing but briefs at hoots, cat calls, and whistles from the other pilots who then laughed as he turned and showing Wellington's face on the back of the briefs.

Wellington erupted with unexpected laughter. "What the hell is my face doing on Bonar's ass?"

O'Malley chuckled and shrugged. "Like I said ma'am. You're a good luck charm."

Wellington rested her face in her palm. "Heaven help me..." She was definitely in a better mood--she was lucky to have an assistant like O'Malley. She raised her head and looked at O'Malley. "When I get out of here, I'm going to have to have a little chat with Lieutenant Bonar.

O'Malley was smiling brightly. "Yes, ma'am."

A trill nurse entered. "Sorry but visitation hours are over. I need to give the colonel her hypos."

"He's handsome," O'Malley mouthed silently and then spoke up. "Alright. I'll try to stop by tomorrow, ma'am."

Wellington chuckled, shaking her head. "Roger that...and O'Malley?"

"Yes ma'am?" O'Malley stopped and turned back to Wellington.

"Thank you for stopping by," Wellington stated.

"Anytime, ma'am," O'Malley grinned before turning and walking out of the room as the nurse readied the medicine into a hypospray.


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