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Build Your Wings on the Way Down, part 3

Posted on Sat 2nd Jun, 2018 @ 5:20pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

913 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Chamber of Commerce Offices
Timeline: MD 15

With the meeting over, it occurred to Damion that he ought to stand, as Kirvana Lewis was rising from her chair. He hastily did so, not that it appeared to make any impression on her. She was an odd one, he thought, studying her from the periphery of his gaze. Doesn't fit with the other two. But it wasn't his business why she belonged to the Chamber leadership, and Kirvana Lewis wasn't his concern at the moment; Jade Lantz was.

Lewis and Castiglione filed out of the conference room, leaving Damion alone with the owner of Orchids and Jazz. "What sort of cleaning proposal did you want to talk over, Ma'am?" he asked as he retook his seat at the conference table.

Lantz had watched him as the other two left the room. There was no mistake, this was the careful man she'd seen at Orchids & Jazz. He was always aware of his surroundings, always examining those around him, alert for threats. She had no doubt he knew exactly how to exit this room, even with the door blocked. The night he'd brought his date, he'd appeared to have eyes only for her, but that same alert examination had been going on, very discreetly.

"I thought I might loan my cleaning staff to you," she said once they were alone. "They're bots, but quite humanoid and the A.I.'s are very adaptable. I believe they are getting bored, watching holovision, waiting each day for closing so they can get to work. It would be a favor to both of us if you would put them to work ... and to them."

Damion blinked. "Er, bots? As in robots--with artificial intelligence? And they clean for you?" He had a sudden mental image of Elizabeth being put to doing nothing but cleaning all day and wanted to vomit. He swallowed down the bile and thought about what Lantz had said. She wasn't indifferent to them, and that was the only thing that kept his shock from boiling into rage. She understood that they were bored, which meant she was perceptive and that she cared. She wasn't a user. He let out a breath.

"I would like to meet them and pay them for their work--or do up some sort of contract with you," he said.

"Oh, pay them, by all means," Jade agreed, deciding in that moment that she didn't need to know what the man was up to. Anyone who wanted to pay a robot for their work was probably on the side of truth, justice and the Federation way. She would keep his secrets.

"They need to start learning more about handling real life. They're quite intelligent, though not EMH quality. Still, I can see them being independent at some point, and running a business, so they need to learn how that works. They are quick studies, of course.

"You--" Damion swallowed and nodded. "Yes, yes, they do need to learn about handling real life." And I know just the right person to advise them about it, he thought. "I'd be glad to help you with that any way I can, Ms. Lantz. If they've minds enough to feel boredom, they're people and ought to be treated that way. I'm awfully glad that's how you feel, too." Damion paused. "I might have ... some other work besides cleaning for them to do, later on, if you're willing, but I would want to discuss that with you, first."

This is not going at all the way I expected, Damion thought, I know she recognizes me.

"Now, are there any other connections you might need on the base? I know almost everyone who has a business interest here," Lantz told him. "And, by the way, have you had a chat with Mr. Thurmond - the elder Mr. Thurmond? If you make him think that your business was his idea, then he'll be a formidable friend instead of a formidable stumbling block."

"I haven't met Mr. Thurmond--younger or older. You think the older one is a pretty decent sort?"

Jade nodded. "They are both good people, but the elder keeps a tight rein on the business, even though he's semi-retired. Chafes his son a bit, I think. He's a good man to have on your side, if you can get him there.

"Let's see ... you'll need furnishings, or job benches ... I'm not sure what the terms are in your kind of business," she smiled. "Shall I send my supplier by? Rutherford's. They can get anything. By the way, I have a restaurant. Maybe you've heard of it. Orchids & Jazz, a little dressy in the evenings, but lunch is much more informal ... and there's a coffee bar in the morning. Stop in any time."

Jade was beginning to enjoy herself. She was fairly certain that 'Mr. Durant' knew that she recognized him, and maybe it puzzled him that she said nothing. He was entitled to his secrets, though. She had plenty of her own.

"Orchids & Jazz, eh? I'm not much into orchids, but I do like coffee and lunch, so you might see me around," Damion said. "Thanks for the tip about Rutherford's; I'll look them up. As for connections.... Know any nice girls I might date on this station? I figure they must all wind up at your restaurant at some point."

Jade half-smiled, "I know a wonderful counselor, but I doubt she'd give you the time of day."


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