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Hitching a Ride

Posted on Tue 12th Jun, 2018 @ 8:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

776 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: CTSO Office
Timeline: MD08

For reasons Andrew didn't fully understood and felt awkward about, he found himself pacing in front of his desk, thinking back on the conversation he had with Captain Suzuki. Without a doubt, Andrew wanted to go on this mission to discover whatever he could about the destruction of the Samurai, yet there was some nagging thought in the back of his mind that he couldn't quite pin down. Maybe in some way he made a subconscious effort to avoid seeing and talking to his old shipmates for a reason. Or maybe he was just making a big deal over nothing.

Either way, he was going on this mission at the request of the Captain and he was not about to let her down. Sitting back down in his chair, he buried the unfamiliar emotions and tapped his combadge, "Lt. Baro. If you're not busy, would you mind stopping by my office?"

"No problem, I'm near your area for another meeting, just wrapping up give me 10 minutes. Baro out."
Baro quickly finished her business and curious what the Strat Chief needed headed over and tapped the door chime.

Tapping the control pad on his desk to hold the information that was currently displayed on his console, Andrew responded to the chime alerting him to the quick arrival of Lt. Baro, "Come in."

As the doors hissed open, Andrew ordered a coffee from the replicator and took a sip, "Lieutenant. Please come in. Thanks for stopping by on short notice. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Glad to help." She said meaning it, "Tea would be lovely, hot if you got it." She said stepping in.

Andrew nodded, "No problem. I think I can handle that." Turning towards the replicator behind his desk, Andrew placed the order. As it materialized, he asked, "Do you usually take it with anything?"

"A bit of sugar would be nice" She replied relaxing into a chair.

He nodded, "Coming right up."

Adding the sugar to the drink, he turned back to his desk and placed it down in front of the woman, while taking a seat opposite of her.

As he sat, Andrew began his explanation for calling on the Lieutenant, "I asked you here in regards to the recent events that happened with the Starship Samurai," slyly smiling, he continued, "I have it on good authority that you're planning on having team head out to the wreckage to do some investigating."

Baro smiled, "Well its not a closely guarded secret, so yes. We hope to use this expedition to gain some more information on the pirates raiding this area. They are entirely too bold and we may learn something of value." She picked up the tea and had a sip, very good.

Nodded in understanding and agreement, Andrew responded, "Makes sense to me. There could be many reasons behind their rashness of attacking a Federation starship. And none of them are particularly appealing.," continuing, he asked, "May I ask if there is room for one more to come along? Something tells me there's something out their that's worth our attention. I'd like to get a close up of it."

Baro looked vaguely quizzical and put the cup down, "Well you are certainly welcomed. Can you give me some idea of what you hope to find? Might help if we come across it."

Giving a small shrug, "Honestly, I don't have a definite answer. Some stolen tech left behind in the wreckage who knows. But I don't want to sit idly by when there's an active investigation into-" he paused mid sentence, realizing what he was about to say and changed his thought, "something that could have serious repercussions to this Starbase and the sector. If there is a clue out there for us to find, I want to be able to see it first hand."

Baro briefly wondered at the pause but it was slight, and while she she was puzzled she didn't push. "Well that's no problem, we're heading out early tomorrow. I can send you the details to your console if you'd like." She offered helpfully.

Smiling, "Thank you, Lieutenant. That will be very helpful. That will be all," as the woman rose, Andrew added, "And don't worry, I won't get in the way of your team. Thanks again for letting me tag along."

"Not a problem" She replied wondering if some day she might learn more about why he wanted to come. "I best be going anyway, see you tomorrow bright and early." She made sure to carefully place the empty tea cup on the aide table, with a nod she was off to her next meeting.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 13th Jun, 2018 @ 9:51pm

Nice connection to the other posts, and great explanation for coming along!