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Amok, Amok, Amok 3

Posted on Fri 25th May, 2018 @ 1:09am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

529 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: In the Region Where Samurai Was Attacked
Timeline: MD 9, Late in the Day

Nine hours was a long flight, and Captain Beck definitely missed having her wingman along to share the burden. Fortunately, Arrows would fly themselves in warp with no difficulty, so she was able to take stretch breaks and have a meal. At last, they were drawing near the coordinates given by Samurai.

Choosing among the plethora of lieutenants, Rebecca gave a warning to the Chief of Operations, "Lieutenant Baro, we will drop out of warp in 5 minutes and be on target to approach the coordinates given, at one-quarter impulse unless you would like to hang back and survey the area."

Baro made her way to the front to Captain Beck, "The fighters find anything?" Their screen of fighters she meant, "Can we proceed to site?"

"Their brief report indicated debris and a floating hulk, as well as the expected black hole, but nothing we can't handle, and apparently we're alone out here, for the moment." Beck wouldn't forget that anyone could arrive by warp any time. It wasn't on a busy star lane, but it was traveled, as proven by the original ship that sent a distress call. In addition, there were pirates with the coordinates, most likely.

"We can wait while they take a closer look, if you prefer," she added.

Baro thought about it, "No we seem ok, and this is a busy area. I'd rather not muck about any longer than needed. I'd like to focus on the hulk first, see what we can pull from there. Is that possible?"

"Everything is possible in this best of all possible worlds," Beck said. "I'll line up on those coordinates and let the escort know."

"Wolf 1 and Wolf 2, we're heading for the hulk of Beowulf for a look-see."

=^=Roger that, Arrow Flight. Second flyover still shows nothing survived there. We'll hang back and fly perimeter.=^=

Rebecca put in the coordinates for the hulk and went toward it at one-quarter impulse. Baro was still at her elbow, so she threw the view up on the front screen and nodded at the co-pilot spot. "Have a seat. It's locked down, so you can't accidentally send us into the black hole."

Over the intercom, Beck announced, "We're approaching the hulk of Beowulf. I've put it on the B-room screen, if anyone wants to watch. Uh, that's break room for those of you who don't already know."

Andrew heard the report and let out a small sigh of relief at the chance to finally occupy his time. Rising from the seat and speaking to no one in particular, he said, "Sounds good to me. I'll initiate some passive scans of the hulk while I'm taking in the view, too."

The hulk seemed to grow larger in the view screen as they approached it. Before long, Beck lowered the multiplier on the view to push it back a little. Gaping holes and long slices in the hull didn't look great enlarged even ten times. Her gaze continually swung from the mesmerizing view to her console and back again. Twice she caught brief glimpses of their escorts' circling movements shooting through an edge of the frame.

"Engaging brakes, orbiting hull in 20 seconds," she announced.


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