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Pitching for a Shingle

Posted on Sun 29th Apr, 2018 @ 3:40am by Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Makila i'Hartelhai

675 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Quayside, SB 109
Timeline: MD 8, 11:40

Three Human men stood together on the quay, waiting for liberty call aboard USS Hermes. The light carrier was docked in the inner harbor for resupply and crew transfer, but was still in the process of securing from space operations. The tallest of the three was an older Caucasian man in a white linen suit of retro cut; his white hair needed combing, and his moustache could do with a trim. The shortest appeared to be a middle-aged Asian gentleman in slacks and a banded collar shirt. And in the middle, a bearded fellow with heavily melanated skin wore much the same as his diminutive companion, with the addition of a waistcoat and a pork-pie hat.

"Tell me again how to pronounce the greeting?" the Asian gentleman asked.

"Jolan Tru," the gentleman with the hat answered.

"Jolene True?" the fellow with the exuberant hair asked. "I believe I dated her, once upon a time."

"Behave, Sam," warned the Asian. "Ah, here we go!"

Crew, some in uniform and some in mufti, began streaming ashore through the umbilical -- colloquially called the "brow" -- which connected the starship to the station. "Vulcan, Vulcan, Ah!" said Sam. "I believe those would be our pair... the brow ridge."

Not in a rush, but not too casually, the trio approached the pair of Romulans. The Asian gentleman stepped out in front as they reached the man and his daughter. "Doctor s'Siedhri? Jolan Tru. I wonder if we might speak with you for a few minutes?"

Khellian looked startled by the greeting momentarily but his face calmed into its normal pleasant half-smile. "Jolan Tru gentlemen, how may I be of assistance to you?"

"Well," the fellow in the white suit said, "That is the crux of the biscuit. You see...."

The Asian fellow laid his hand on Sam's forearm, and the man turned, raising his bushy eyebrows. "Introductions first," the man said. "I am Kenichi MacBeth; my associate with the very loud mouth is Sam Clement. This distinguished gentleman is Benjamin Frankel. Together, and at the moment, we represent the Village in Tivoli Gardens, a civilian area of this station."

"Just so," Sam agreed, "And we've a hankering to know...."

"Sam," interrupted Ben, "Enough already with the folksy kvatch."

"I am afraid that I do not understand." Khellian said as his green eyes darted from gentleman to gentleman. He'd placed himself in between Makila and the trio just in case. It was second nature, from a lifetime of protecting her.

"We have an alert set up in the computer system, you see," Kenichi explained. "To alert us when physicians who are otherwise unattached arrive at the station. We need a doctor."

"Not as in: 'we have a medical emergency, we need a doctor'," Ben amplified.

"More of a long-term thing," Sam offered, reaching into his pocket and taking out a cigar case. "We'd be able to offer you certain accommodations and advantages and so on and so forth."

Khellians relief at this explanation showed in subtle ways, his shoulders relaxed and he held himself with more ease. "I am listening gentlemen."

Kenichi smiled without showing any teeth. "Would you have some time, Doctor, Miss? To come with us and see what we're asking, and what we're offering?"

" I have nothing to do at the moment but set up our temporary quarters." Adjusting the bag that was over his shoulder he nodded slowly "I Could see my way to exploring. Makila, you do not have to join us if you don't want..."

"I am interested too father, after all if they need a doctor they will have to accept his nurse as well, correct gentlemen?" Makila's gentle smile emerged as she stepped out from her father's shadow.

"I am a fan of nurses," Sam said, offering the young lady his arm. "By and large, they are delightfully earthy and practical."

The young woman giggled appreciatively and slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow. "Ah, Chivalry" she heaved a sigh, dramatically and then beamed at him " Lead on good sir"


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