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Old Friends

Posted on Wed 16th May, 2018 @ 5:53am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

619 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: CO's Office, SB 109
Timeline: MD 5, 0900

"Andrew!" Captain Suzuki said with a smile, as the door to her office opened. "It's good to see you!" The smile faded, and she turned to look at the bulkhead viewscreen, currently set to look out over the inner harbor and the wreck of Samurai. "I only wish it were in better circumstances."

He returned the smile as the door closed behind him, "Good to see you too, sir. It's been some time." Following her gaze to the viewscreen, Andrew echoed the sentiment and reflected a moment on his time serving aboard the starship that was now reduced to debris, "I'm sorry about Samurai. She was a fine ship."

"She was, and she brought us home after she was kicked hard," Suzuki agreed. "You can't ask for more." She turned away from the view and considered Eberstark. "You look well. Are you happy with the direction your career has taken since we saw each other last?"

Andrew hesitated as he considered the question, "I'd be lying if I said it's been a smooth transition," adding a small smile, "And I wasn't sure if I could actually adjust to mainly staying in one place, but after spending some time here I think I can safely say if I had the chance to do it again, I would"

Shrugging somewhat innocently, "I realize that doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement, but in all honesty I'm glad I took the risk. I feel my career is heading in the right direction," pausing, "Of course I'm sure it would have if I remained aboard, sir."

Suzuki nodded. "Well, fate has put you back in my evil clutches." She grinned wryly, then got more serious again. "Andrew, you're in Tactical Operations now. You're here to advise me and Fleet about potential threats in the area, and help us come up with strategies to combat those threats." The Captain jerked a thumb at the view on the huge screen. "I'd say anything which can do that to a Sovereign class starship is a threat, wouldn't you?"

Clenching his jaw, Andrew nodded in the affirmative at the Captain's question as he felt some personal emotions stir in him as he again imagined the battle based off of after action reports from the surviving officers, most of which were acquaintances if not friends, "No doubt, sir. A part of me wishes I never left so I could have taught those pirates a lesson or two. I've already been reaching out with Starfleet Operations and Intelligence to see if either have useful information regarding the incident, but I've always been fond of the direct and hands dirty approach."

Suzuki nodded. "Mr. Baro is planning a mission to investigate the wreckage. I'd like you to go along."

Giving a quick nod and grin in response, "Yes, sir. I'd be more than willing to. If there's something of value in the debris, we'll find it."

"I know you will, Andrew. You know the ship, and you don't have the trauma fresh in your soul. If something's out of place, if something should trip concerns, you'll see it." She glanced at the timeline on the bulkhead. "And I'm sorry we don't have more time to catch up, but you should catch Lieutenant Baro as soon as possible."

Andrew flinched slightly at the Captain's choice of words. While the experience would be different for him and not "fresh", he had no doubt there would be at least some emotional resonance from returning to the remains of the Samurai. Straightening his posture, Andrew tired to give a passable smile, "I'm sure we'll have time later. You're right, sir. If there's nothing else, I'll track down the Lieutenant."

"Fair winds and following seas, Andrew."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 18th May, 2018 @ 2:06am

Nice bit of friendliness while getting the job done. Great post.