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Operating in the Dark

Posted on Fri 13th Apr, 2018 @ 12:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

462 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Ops Center & CO's Office, SB 109
Timeline: MD 5, 08:00

As the timeline on the bulkhead ticked over to the new stardate, the south lift doors slid open and Captain Suzuki stepped out, remembering this time to use her cane appropriately. She paused at the rail and looked down into the "pit," the operations center's center. Her eyes traveled over the holographic display showing traffic in the base's vicinity, watching the colors and shapes which labeled Fleet and commercial vessels, and their vectors.

"Lieutenant Baro," she called, having faith that the Operations Officer was one of those in the center.

Lt. Baro glanced up from her place in the center of the pit coordinating the operations staff there and generally keeping up on things. She glanced over and gestured for a deputy to take her place and briskly walked over to the new CO."Ma'am, welcome to Vanguard's brain" She said by way of greeting.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Suzuki said, smiling slightly. "You've seen the standing orders, I'm sure, but I wanted to reinforce to you that I am available twenty-four hours a day, every day. If you call me and it turns out to be nothing, so be it. But if something happens, and you didn't call me...."

"I will escort myself out of nearest airlock, post haste." The Ops Chief replied with a wry grin.

Suzuki shook her head. "Have you ever seen someone die in vacuum, Lieutenant?" Her voice was sharp, but she wasn't looking at Baro. She was looking someplace far, far away. "It's horrible; not something to use as a jest."

After a moment, the Captain shook her head again. "At any rate... You should expect USS Hermes today. Bring her into the inner harbor, find a place to park her, and begin resupply operations. Her crew is cleared for liberty."

"Not in a Vacuum, no." Was Baro's somber reply, her smile fading, unwilling to go further even as she thought, "Nice way to make an impression, idiot." . Then she continued, "I apologize, I've been told my humor is sometimes inappropriate. I will work on it." She refocused her attention, "As for the Hermes I will ensure all is ready for them, do we have an arrival time?"

Suzuki shook her head. "BuShips wasn't precise. Have someone get on the horn to Hermes' coms officer and figure out the details." She smiled at the younger officer, patted the rail twice, and turned away toward her office.

"Will do Ma'am." She relaxed a little at the smile, maybe hadn't completely put her foot in it. She hoped for a chance to get to know the CO a bit better later but for now she had a ship to prepare for, "Ensign T'lan" She told a Vulcan assistant, "Get Hermes' com officer on the line, we've questions...."


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 14th Apr, 2018 @ 6:51pm

Thanks for giving us a lead in. Nice to be expected!