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Got Those Cleaning Blues in the Night

Posted on Tue 27th Mar, 2018 @ 1:05am by

1,295 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 4, 0215

Closing the doors and securing them after the last customers walked out, Reon took a deep breath, stretched his back and let go of the air. He turned back to look at the empty restaurant and saw Jenna slipping out of her shoes.

"Rough shift?" he asked, walking toward her.

"Only on my feet. Jade keeps telling me to wear sensible shoes, but in all the centuries of women's shoe making, no one has figured out how to make them comfortable and cute." She rubbed the sole of one foot over the arch of the other. "Don't I wish there were a way to wave a wand and clean up this place."

"Actually," Jade said, coming out of the office corridor, "I think we have that covered." Behind her walked half a dozen men and women. "It took me a while to plan and pull this off, let alone be able to afford it, but no more clean-ups for my employees."

"You've hired a special cleaning crew?" Reon asked, surprised. "I thought you always said you'd never do that."

"I said I wouldn't do it until I could be sure of their efficiency and trustworthiness. These," she indicated the six, "are highly recommended by people I trust, and came at a very good price."

Jenna examined them as closely as possible from across the six meters which separated her from the newcomers. She didn't see anything particularly unusual about them, as they each met her eyes, and one of the women actually almost smiled. "We'll see how long they stay when they find out what a mess it is every night," she said humorously.

"Oh, they'll stay," Jade said. "They were made for this job."

"Made for ... wait a minute," Velasquez said, starting to have a glimmer of an idea. "Do you mean they're robots?"

Jenna said, "Robots? You're kidding me!"

"They prefer to be called humaniforms," Jade said. "It's more descriptive and precise."

"Huh. Precision is a robotic thing, I hear," Jenna said. "If they are all that human-like, they're definitely going to get bored doing this job."

"Miss Clark, are you bored with your job?" Jade asked.

"Oh, no, not really," Jenna said. "At least, not the part that involves waiting on people and serving meals. The cleaning part, definitely. Say, they aren't going to replace me are they?"

"That's not the plan," Jade said. She took a moment to release the six humaniforms to their work. Watching them, the three were impressed by the quickness of the robots' movements, and how efficiently they worked.

"It'll be different, that's for sure. Nice to get off on time, at least. No one has to watch them, I presume?" Reon wondered aloud.

"No, they are well programmed. Off with both of you, enjoy a good night's sleep."

Calling goodnights, both employees took her up on the invitation before she could change her mind. Jade smiled and thumb locked the entrance. Turning to the humaniforms, she said, "I do hope you'll find a way to enjoy your work."

She, herself, slipped behind the bar, and began to check the levels of stock. When she finished with no surprises, she leaned on the highly polished wood and watched the robots perform their purpose. She had to admit that they seemed completely human. She hadn't had a conversation with any of them, but that was supposedly possible, too. In fact, it was suggested that the best way to educate them in her requirements was to talk with them.

In less than an hour, the entire club was vacuumed, wiped, sanitized and generally cleaned. One of the humaniforms came toward her holding a gentleman's hat and a lady's scarf. "These are the only items we found out of place," he told her. "Where would you like them?"

" There's a lost and found cabinet at the end of the bar. Tuck them neatly among the few other things that haven't been claimed. Then come back and sit for a moment," she instructed.

"Yes, Ma'am," he answered and followed her directions.

When he stood before her again, she said, "Sit. Take a load off."

"I beg your pardon?" he asked, puzzled.

"It's a short cut for please be seated and be comfortable," Lantz said, smiling as she remembered the only person she'd ever heard say it, a student of the past. When he gingerly sat at the bar, she said, "I can see that you and your friends are going to be fast and then bored, though I told Jenna that wasn't the case. There will be several opportunities during the day for you to slip unobtrusively among customers and clean where it's needed, but there has to be something more to your life, don't you think?"

After a thoughtful moment, the robot said, "I can see no flaw in your logic. We are not inclined to boredom, however, and can step into another room, or a wall recess when you don't need us."

"Take it from me, that's definitely boring. I think we can come up with a better plan for your time. Talk it over with each other," she nodded at the other humaniforms, which had come to a halt nearby, standing in a quiet row. She felt sure they hadn't missed a word she'd said, however. "Think about what you might like to learn or observe or do. Then, when you're ready, let me know. At some point, I have a friend I'd like you to meet. She's ... not quite like you, but she's not quite human, either. I think you will find she can offer guidance and advice that you will find useful."

"Alright, if you're sure that's what you'd like us to do, we'll be glad to accommodate your wishes. That is what we are here to do, after all."

Jade managed not to roll her eyes. She realized these humaniforms were very under-educated for their capabilities, and probably would have done well with a family which had less desire to see them develop themselves. "Let's start with names. Do you have names?"

The robot in front of her looked to the others, and then back to her. "We have designations. I'm R-7319, and -"

She shook her head and interrupted him. "No, that will never do. Until you decide on your own names, I'll call you R. Daneel Olivaw." As she pointed to each of the others in turn, she named them. "R. Hari Seldon, R. Gladia Delmarre, R. Elijah Baley, R. Arkady Darrell, and ..." Jade thought for a moment, at a loss for another female Asimov character. Then with a smile, she gave a nod to Heinlein. "R. Podkayne Mars. Tomorrow, you'll all go shopping with Serena and find clothing more suitable to blending in with our clientele. The room where you waited today is yours, until we figure out something better. The chairs and couches are comfortable, I think. There's a holotube there where you can watch entertainment. Tomorrow I'll also get computers for your personal education, should you desire to pursue any particular interests. Have I left out anything you need?"

The six shook their heads in unison, and Daneel answered, "I don't think we even know, but it sounds more than adequate. Thank you."

"No, thank you. You're going to make it much cleaner around here, and make my employees happy. Have a pleasant night, then." Lantz watched as the group walked silently into the corridor that led to her office and other rooms. She wondered if they would talk with each other as they spent the long night doing nothing. Or perhaps they wouldn't do nothing. Perhaps she'd given them permission to do something, and that would be a very good thing.


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