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Someone at Her Back

Posted on Sat 17th Mar, 2018 @ 1:05am by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels
Edited on on Sat 17th Mar, 2018 @ 3:19pm

1,217 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Security Chief's Office
Timeline: After Drake's death, before Samurai arrives.

What with the flurry of activity following the apprehension of Ilya Solo's and Colonel Drake's killer, and the investigation into why the killer had committed those murders, Kellian Michaels had not really had much of a chance to meet with his new department head. Things had calmed down in Security lately, however. They were still working the case of the Ferengi murdered in the Klingon nightclub, but no other murders had occurred since Drake's, and life was returning somewhat to normal. So Lt. Perry had requested a meeting with Kellian, and he was glad to oblige.

He pressed her door chime and waited to be admitted.

"Come in." The Sec Chief said as she continued looking over the neatly organized stack of PADDs on her desk.

Kellian stepped inside Isabella's office. "Good afternoon, Ma'am. Are you ready to meet?" He glanced about her office quickly. "I like what you've done with the place."

Isabella looked around her office after Kellian's comment and lamented that she didn't really have much as decorations went. No exquisite artwork, no bold colors or paint scheme. Just plain old regulation grey walls and picture of her brother. She stared at that picture, not even realizing that she was lost in thought until Michaels made a noise in his chair.

"Thanks for coming." She stated, not even responding to the office compliment, "Kellian Michaels." She said as she picked a PADD from one of the many on her desk. She tapped on of the buttons on the device and a profile Kellian appeared.

"You seem to be a man of many interests." The Security Chief said. "A love for Forensic science, top of your class in OCS. So why are you here?" She asked as she slid the PADD on her desk.

"I want to catch bad guys," Kellian said. He paused when Perry looked at him. "That may have sounded flippant, but it wasn't. The more skilled the forensic specialists are, the more devious the criminals become, so the forensics people have to be even more devious. The smarter and more ambitious criminals go out into space; they don't sit on their homeworlds, waiting to be trapped there. They go where they have room to maneuver and disappear if need be."

Internally Isabella smiled when she heard his response. She felt as if they could be kindred spirits in the world of law enforcement. She already knew that if she was to be effective and efficient in her new role, she would need a good right hand. Someone she could trust with no question.

"So, what have you been doing here on Vanguard to keep an eye on such vermin?" she asked.

"I keep a line open between Security and the Tactical Department," Kellian said. "Lt. Eberstark and I have met together, with the idea of keeping each other abreast of issues we encounter. If I think an issue on Vanguard might have implications for his people, I tell him, and he does likewise for us. I was hoping to get in and talk with Lt. Maynard in Intelligence, as well, but I was just told he's away from the station and will likely be transferring out. A real shame; I like the guy. As for day to day...I keep track of the crime scene information we gather and run weekly analyses to check for correlates. If I see a demonstrable pattern, I have it investigated further and continue tracking."

"Well Kellian, your new job is to be my right hand. I need someone here that I can trust. Someone who I know will be dedicated to the truth and the safety of everyone on this station. I know we haven't known each other for long, but for what we have already been through and from what I have seen of you, I know I can trust you."

"I hope that will always be the case, Ma'am," Kellian said. "I've been impressed by you, as well, and I'm glad to work with you, glad to have you at my back and to be at yours."

Isabella smiled and felt like she truly had an ally in Kellian. She knew she had an extraordinary skill at being an excellent judge of character and knew she had chosen right with Kellian.

"Well, first things first." She said as she slid over a PADD that was sitting on a stack of them on her desk. "Since the Colonel's assassination, I have been thinking of some new security protocols and protection details for the new C.O. Mind taking a look over them and letting me know what you think? We won't have another Drake situation on our watch."

"My opinion? Teach the Marines how to apply handcuffs. But you didn't hear me say that," Kellian muttered. "The Drake situation was more than a little unusual," he went on as he accepted the PADD that Isabella handed him. "I suspect Commander Locke has enough sense not to personally accompany a team sent to apprehend a violent criminal." He shot Isabella a wry look. "On the other hand, I thought Col. Drake had that much sense, too. Let's see what you're thinking." He started to read the PADD.

As Kellian read over the PADD, Isabella continued talking. "I completely agree with you on the Drake front. Being new here, I didn't know if he was that hands on or not. Some Captains don't follow the rule book about away team missions and some do. But at the end of the day, I should have done more to stop him. But no matter what, from here on out, we are going to make sure our C.O. always has a safety contingency that can be enacted in a moment's notice. Whether they want it or not. This is why I need you on board with what's on that PADD."

Kellian read the notes on Perry's device and thought about it. "How many starbase CO's usually have a security detail with them the entire time they're on duty? I haven't met a single one who would like this. More likely, it'd piss the person off. For away teams, yes, it could be justified, but I don't think it's needed for just around the station, Ma'am."

"Oh. I agree with you." Isabella responded. "But I do feel that when we have dignitaries like Klingons and Romulans, or any other group we are wary about, the CO will need them. And you bring up another point about away teams. The CO will have this specialized group protecting them. Overtly and or covertly."

Kellian nodded. "Definitely with visiting semi-hostile dignitaries. I think we can at least try it out and then take our cue from whatever the new CO wants. Do we try it out with Commander Locke, first?"

Again Isabella smiled at Kellian. "She is my next stop after this meeting with you. Tomorrow morning you will notice a slight change in the duty assignments. You are my second now. There will be some things that I want you to follow up on. From here on out, what I know you will know. If I am not here or available, everything will fall on you."

Kellian blinked. "Thank you, Ma'am. I look forward to working with you in that capacity."


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 17th Mar, 2018 @ 3:20pm

Nicely played! I look forward to seeing how the COs take the Secret Service attendance. =)