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A Quiet Evening

Posted on Fri 23rd Mar, 2018 @ 4:40pm by

1,070 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 4, 2045

Docha Nata sang quietly in the background, a song of love, of course. It was amazing how much Docha sounded like Ella Fitzgerald, the first time she'd ever heard the song, Someone to Watch Over Me, the same rich deep tones that crawled inside the ear and refused to go away. Jade leaned on the counter and listened to the song from the early 1900s, thinking of Charles Redbird who had introduced her to jazz. She wasn't aware of the slightly crooked smile on her face as she listened with closed eyes.

"So what is this a gin mill or what?" an irascible voice interrupted her. Jade opened her eyes to see Hieronymous Block, the only person she knew with that grumpy a tone.

"Hello, Mr. Block. Say did I ever mention that your first name is misspelled?" she shot back at him.

Block grinned, "You and about ten thousand other people. Mama had her own ways of doing things. So can a fella get a drink her or does he have to go down to that dive on deck 718?"

Lantz shrugged with a smile, "You're free to go where you'd like, but you aren't going to find anyone who likes you as much as I do."

With a laugh, the gardener agreed. "You're right about that. People who like me are few and far between."

"They wouldn't be if you'd let them know how nice you are," Jade observed, pouring him his usual drink. "Now, I know that would take the fun out of your life, but you ought to try it sometime."

"Nah, what would be the fun in that?" he swallowed half his drink in one go, before sitting on the stool. "Don't know how a little thing like you got under my skin so much."

"Just be glad I did, or you wouldn't have the vintage good stuff. Are you looking for a bottle of wine for dinner with your wife tonight?"

"Actually, I think I'll order the whole dinner, wine included. You decide what. That girl, what's her name? Marne? She's a mighty fine cook," Block said.

"It's Marin, as you well know, and I'll tell her you said so," Jade answered, knowing she would replace the word cook with chef rather than upset Marin. "I'll go get that started for you, don't go away."

The gardener cackled. "Afraid I won't pay my bill?"

"Exactly!" Jade called back, as she went into the kitchen.

"Yes, Ortiz. I understand the ramifications if you get caught doing that. Just be careful and contact me when you find that information. Perry out." Isabella stated as she entered Orchids while having a conversation on her PADD. She made her way to the counter. She sat herself beside the station's head gardener. She recognized him, but did not know his name. Unfortunately, she was not in a mood to meet new friends today.

Jade came back from the kitchen with a small plate. "Lucky for you, Marin likes you. She said this is to fatten you up while you're waiting for the dinner basket." She smiled as she set a piece of chocolate cake down in front of Hieronymus, and added a fork and napkin.

Turning toward the Security Chief, she said, "Good evening, Lieutenant Perry. I hope things are settling down for you somewhat. You've had to hit the ground with your feet running, as an old friend of mine used to say. What can I get for you this evening?"

Isabella smiled at Jade and was happy to see a smiling face. "I think I'll take a Ginger Ale," she said as she felt the carbonation already beginning to make her tongue tingle with anticipation. "Also, you wouldn't happen to have any French Onion Soup back there would you?"

"I think we might be able to come up with that, if you have about ten minutes to spare," Lantz said, setting the drink in front of Isabella. "And the perfect thing to go with it ... extra French bread and cheeze. I'll get that started for you."

The singer took a break, but the band continued playing a variety of jazz tunes from the same era. Jade was humming as she walked toward the kitchen.

"No one to go home and kiss, eh?" Block chuckled. "My wife won't mind the chocolate, but onions? Yeah, not a good thing to go home after tasting those. I'm sure the soup is great, though. Everything here is." He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I'd offer you a bite of cake, but ... ha! Too late, I ate it all!" He chortled in amusement at his own joke.

Isabella smiled at the man and gave a little chuckle. "You missed a spot." She said as she gestured to her own chin, showing Block where he should wipe. "And yes, I am going home alone, so it doesn't matter what I eat."

She reached over and extended a hand to the man in front her. "Hi, I'm Isabella."

Block reached over and shook, "Hieronymous. Hieronymous, for short." He chuckled at his own joke.

Jade came out of the kitchen, carrying a picnic basket and a bottle of Krug Clos d'Ambonnay 2368. She set both down in front of Block. "The dinner is added to your tab for the end of the month, but the Champagne is on me. Go enjoy yourself and indulge your wife a little."

"Well ... I'm speechless," Hieronymous said, and he really was.

Jade laughed, and included Perry in the conversation. "Anytime something makes him speechless, that's a red letter day."

"Well, Jade, maybe we should celebrate with something a little bit stronger. Got anything that would knock the beard off of our friend here?" Isabella asked with a big grin on her face.

"No, no, no," Block said, picking up his basket. "You two celebrate anything you like. I'm getting home to the missus before she gets a better offer." He slid off the stool, waving over his shoulder. "Bye!"

Jade half-smiled and shook her head. "Isabella, there goes the most unique human you are ever likely to meet."

Isabella laughed as she watched Block head off for home. "And here I thought you were the most unique person I was ever going to meet." The security chief grabbed a couple of peanuts out of the bowls and tossed them into her mouth as she waited for her soup.


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