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A Belated Holiday

Posted on Wed 17th Jan, 2018 @ 2:47am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,744 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Orchids and Jazz

Walking towards Orchids and Jazz, Andrew still wasn't sure this was a good idea. What he did know was that if and when he did run into Serena again, she would question as to why he was absent from the party. He'd rather have that discussion on his own terms. Besides, Andrew needed a break whether he admitted it or not.

He looked down again in the present wrapped in his left arm and again doubted his thought process. He didn't even check his appearance before Andrew left his office, but knew she'd be working for only a short while longer. Stopping at the entrance, he looked at the doorman, who rose to meet him.

Smiling, "Hey Reon. Serena is still working isn't she?"

"She is," he nodded. "Want me to get her for you? I think she's in the office. Actually, why don't I just show you where it is? I'm sure she won't object."

He turned and waved a server over. "Watch the door for a bit. I'll be back in 5."

"It's off the corridor between the kitchen and the bar area." Reon eyed the package, but decided not to ask. It wasn't his business, even if he was curious. "How's Sec/Tac these days? Find out anything about that murdered man down in Tivoli Gardens - anything you can share, anyway?"

Andrew gave a small smile as he followed, "Thanks for directing me and you could say we've been a bit busy these days," pausing as he shrugged trying to hide his weariness of being asked that question for what felt like the hundredth time, "As for the situation that has everyone talking, all I can say is the investigation is still ongoing."

They slowed as they approached what he assumed was the aforementioned office, "Sorry for giving the standard boring answer."

Reon shrugged, "I imagine it gets boring being asked the same thing by everyone you meet. It's a topic of interest, but you are probably sick of the investigation." He knocked on the door and then opened it. "Hey, you have a visitor, Princess. Be nice to him, he's had a hard day." He grinned at Andrew and went back down the corridor.

Serena looked up from the sketch she was making, and a smile spread across her face. "Hi," she said softly. "Come on in, find a comfortable seat, move something if you have to." She looked around the office. "Make that move something because you have to. I've managed to cover up every surface in here. Just stack it on the floor somewhere. It's good to see you." She didn't ask what he was doing there. He'd get around to telling her.

Andrew returned the smile as he entered, and took a quick glance around the room to see that she was in fact not exaggerating. Raising an eyebrow, he went to move a few filing boxes perched on a seat close to Serena, "I have to say, I love what you've done with the place. You should see my office. It's honestly not much better," pausing before quickly finishing, "No offense."

"None taken," she smiled and glanced around. "It really is getting out of hand. I'll have to do something about it soon." She looked back at her desk.

As he sat placing the package on his thigh, he finally realized she was actually preoccupied with a sketch he couldn't fully see in front of her, "I can leave if you're busy. I didn't mean to interrupt anything important."

Realizing she was being rude, Serena pushed the paper away, swiveled her chair to face him directly, and smiled. "No, there's nothing that can't wait, and I'm glad to see you. Things have been hectic on Vanguard, and particularly for you, I would imagine." She was tempted to ask him how the murder investigation was going, but she resisted. Probably every person he ran into asked him.

"Would you like one of Marin's super desserts, or a drink? Or have you even had anything decent to eat today? The eggplant lasagna is fabulous today, I know for a fact."

Smiling, thankful Serena for taking the time, Andrew sighed, "You have no idea. Can't say this is what I had in mind when I transferred over here but..." he trailed off trying to push the investigation out of his mind and focus on her question, "Well, I just got off duty, so I could go for some Ratzeputz if you don't mind." He remembered a previous night at Orchids that Jade kept the drink and he was fairly certain she didn't get a lot of requests for it.

"Absolutely don't mind. I'll have Jenna bring it back." She sent the order to the bar from her computer, and added an order for a plate of lasagna and an antipasto.

As she placed the order, Andrew tried relax and calm his shoulders in his seat and realized that he still head the gift in his arm, "Oh, umm, I'm sorry I wasn't able to make to the party. Heard it was a big hit." Deciding to again keep things vague, "I just had some things to take care of that ran a little late and lost track of time. Didn't want to show up as the festivities were winding down," pausing again to gather his thoughts, "I actually do have a gift believe it or not," giving a nervous chuckle as he rose to give it to her, "nothing special or anything but thought you may like it."

Serena took the package from him. "Of course, I will!" she exclaimed, pulling off the bow. "How lovely of you to think of it, and I didn't even have to be drawn from the hat! I was so busy working, I didn't have time to really participate myself. It was a grand party, though, and I was sorry you missed it."

As the last of the paper came off, she said, with pleasure, "A book! A real book. Thank you so much, Andrew. I love books, and don't have very many." She noticed the printing information in front of the book. "1974? I know this is a replicated copy, but wow, the story is ... over 400 years old! I don't think I've heard of it, so tell me about it, please."

Andrew, being paranoid when it comes to social interaction, wasn't sure if Serena was actually pleased or just being polite. Either way, her reaction gave him some courage to respond, "Well, I won't lie, it's a bit of a heavy read, but the gist of it is that it takes place during the 20th century with the conflict known as the Cold War, mainly between the Earth governments of the United States and Russia, but also included a host of governments supporting one or the other. The story is based on actual events," pausing to smile, "although I'm sure creative liberties were taken. It revolves around a older spy for one of the United States' allies, Great Britain, trying to uncover a Russian mole within his government. It's really quite compelling in its detail regarding spying and subterfuge of that era."

As he finished his summary, he saw her still examining the book's cover, "I hope I didn't bore you with just my summary. It doesn't really do the book justice."

"Not at all," she looked up. "I'm always fascinated by books, and this one has such an interesting cover. What does 'New York Times Best Seller' mean? Do you know? Some kind of list of books that sold a lot of copies, I would think, and I know where New York is. The words don't make sense together in my mind, though. What would times in New York have to do with selling books?"

Pleased by her reaction, but trying his best to remain even in emotion, Andrew gave a small smile, "Well, back in the time that it was published, coincidentally enough, the United States was one of the largest and most influential countries in the world. And one region of the United States territory, known as New York, had a," pausing to think about the type of media, "I think it was a paper news outlet that ranked books according to their sales across the United States at the time."

As he finished his explanation, he realized how obtuse the concept must have seemed to Serena, "Weird, I know. But in a nutshell, it was one of the more popular books of its day when it was released."

"Then I look forward to reading it, not only because you liked it enough to share it, but to give me an insight to people of that time, and compare them to the way I view things today. I'd like to think that in all the ways that count, we have not changed too much."

Jenna came in with the plate and drink for Andrew, set it down on a clear corner of the desk, smiled at Andrew, and left again.

Serena turned and opened a drawer in the desk. "Now I have something for you. It isn't nearly as wonderful, but I thought it would be fun to exchange gifts." She didn't add that she wouldn't have given it to him if he hadn't initiated the exchange. She'd been prepared, just in case, though, and hoped he would.

Handing him a small box wrapped in blue and barely large enough for the tiny bow on it, she said, "I think you'll like it, though."

Andrew raised an eyebrow. He never anticipated Serena have a gift for him in return. Suddenly contemplating if his gift was adequate or not, Andrew smiled taking the small box and carefully unwrapping it revealing a small cube. Upon closer examination, he found a label running vertically along one side of the cube, with the words "Briar Patch, Baku". Turning it to read it better, Andrew realized it was a holographic program.

Smiling at the title, Andrew looked back at Serena, "It's perfect. Thank you very much," raising the box up in his hand, "Is this your way of saying I should relax?"

She grinned, "It could definitely be taken that way. You do have underlings who could do a little work once in a while, you know." She pushed the plate toward him, and added, "Now have a meal before you fade away and have to live in a holoprogram forever."


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