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Contentment on the River

Posted on Fri 22nd Dec, 2017 @ 11:37am by Trav
Edited on on Sat 23rd Dec, 2017 @ 8:22am

1,051 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Deck 1554, Ferengi Barge Contentment
Timeline: MD 4, 0900

Trav of the Vanguard River Barge Company beamed with happiness as he greeted the newest collection of passengers to come aboard his vessel, the Contentment. Most of them were tourists wanting to visit the Olla Podrida Mall downriver. Others were residents of the station on holiday

"All aboarrrrd!" Trav called out, the second word rising in pitch after a glance at his timepiece told him it was time for the barge to begin its slow glide along the river. His nephew told him that piloting his own barge, the Aspiration, put him to sleep, but Trav felt the exact opposite. Artificial lighting overhead made reflections dance over the water's surface. Butterflies flitted about. There was always something new to see; no two days were the same; at least, not to him. Gar's feelings ran differently.

"Daddy, what's a boarrrrd?" Arabella asked her father, surprising him with her perfect imitation of the Ferengi's intonation and accent.

"It isn't a thing, punkin," he said, looking down at the amazing and small person standing next to him. She was dressed in a red, white and blue sailor suit, striped shirt with a square collar hanging behind, and shorts that didn't quite cover her tiny knees. The red hat with a blue ribbon sat at a jaunty angle on her head.

"He was calling for everyone to be on the barge, and that's how they do it."

"Huh. Why doesen he jus' say, 'ever'body get on the boat' then?" she asked, wrinkling her nose at him. "He should speak ever'body's langwidge."

Tony glanced helplessly at his sister, who was grinning at him. Taking pity on his underdeveloped dad skills, she distracted the girl. "Look, Bella, we're pulling out into the river. Here, stand on this bench, and you might see a fish moving out of the way." Although there was a sturdy wire fencing above the railing, Janetta had a firm arm around her niece's tummy.

"Thanks, Sis. Quick thinking," Tony grinned at her. He watched the Ferengi who was guiding the barge out into the middle of the river, reflecting how much it did seem like a river ... not that he had a lot of experience with waterways.

"Look, Daddy!" Firm little hands guided his head around where she wanted it. "Watch, dere's a fish and he might jump out agin."

Trav grinned as he listened to the Terran child conversing with her father and aunt. He had excellent hearing, and her chatter amused him. "Welcome to the Contentment, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I am Trav, your barge pilot, and I look forward to showing you the sights along this stretch of the beautiful Vanguard River. While you're onboard, I invite you to visit our barge restaurant, the Slug and Grub, where my lovely wife, Morva, will serve you some of her delicious cooking! Right now, we are on our way to the Olla Podrida shopping mall, which is based on an Old Earth craft mall. Our ride will last for about an hour."

Arabella certainly understood the word 'restaurant', and immediately looked up at the adults. "I hungry."

Anthony looked doubtfully at his sister. "Do you think a place named Slug and Grub will have anything she'll eat?"

"I don't know if it will have anything I would eat, but let's check it out. Ferengi are all about profit, so they will know what would sell. I imagine there's a good chance."

"I hungry!" Bella said insistently.

Breakfast had only been a little over an hour ago, but Tony never ignored his daughter's request for food, nor forced it on her when she didn't want it. "Okay, little fish blossom, let's go see what they have. You want to speak to the captain first?"

The little girl considered that for a few seconds, glancing over at the man wearing the jaunty cap. "Yes. I like his hat." Janetta rolled her eyes, but the three of them, politely pushed through people at the railing and strolled up to the Ferengi.

"So does that wheel actually turn the barge, or is it for show?" asked Anthony. Bella tugged on his arm and he absently picked her up, so she was level with the adults.

"Oh, it actually turns the barge," Trav said. "Otherwise, all I would be doing is standing here, pushing a button, and making my wife jealous by chatting up all the pretty ladies," he said with a wink at Janetta. "I prefer the manual controls; keeps the mind active." He glanced at Arabella and smiled at her. "Did I hear you say you were hungry, little one?"

"I hungry!" Bella nodded emphatically. She sounded woeful as she let tears fill her eyes and pitifully added, "Nobody won't feed me."

"Absolutely right!" Trav said, "there is no one on this barge who won't help you find something good to eat. Do you like peanut butter and jelly?"

Bella's eyes lit up. "Stawbrey jelly? I like it!"

Janetta looked at the Ferengi. "I would never have guessed the Ferengi would eat PB and J. Or do you just keep that around for human children?"

"Hey, watch who you're calling a child," Tony said. "I'll have you know my number one favorite dinner is peanut butter and strawberry jelly." He looked at his daughter. "I bet you didn't know that about your old Dad."

Looking at the barge captain, he grinned and said, "Point us in the right direction. I think you've just hit the jackpot."

"My wife had me try out the different foods before she put them on the menu," Trav said to Janetta. "I prefer grape jelly to strawberry--or better yet, tomato preserves--but peanut butter is rather tasty. You wouldn't think so, to look at it." He pointed toward the indoor part of the barge. "Just enter through any blue door. That will get you into the restaurant."

"Fank you, Mr. Captain," Arabella said politely as her father put her down and took her by the hand.

"Yes, thank you. You've saved the morning for us," Anthony said before leading his family toward the closest blue door.

"You're very welcome," Trav said. "I do believe you've made my morning. Enjoy the rest of your day!"


Co-Owner, Vanguard Barge Company


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