
  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue 23rd May, 2023 @ 6:45pm


Name Trav

Position The Ferengi Barge Company

Second Position The Ferengi Barge Company

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ferengi
Age 70

Physical Appearance

Height 4'11"
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Typical Ferengi short stature, large earlobs, crooked teeth. Trav has a bit of a paunch and prefers to wear looser clothing than his nephew, usually with hand-embroidery.


Spouse Morva
Children None.
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Brother(s) Nerek, deceased
Sister(s) None
Other Family Nephew Gar

Personality & Traits

General Overview Unlike most Ferengi, a Zen-like air of peace and contentment has come over Trav in his old age. He no longer pursues profit to the exclusion of all else. He has come to appreciate the simple, beautiful things in life. His barge company is simply a means for him to make profit during his retirement. He has concluded that he really doesn't need much and, indeed, doesn't want much. Family, friends, and the pleasure of conversing with his passengers is enough to satisfy Trav. If only he could convince his nephew to see life his way!
Strengths & Weaknesses TBD
Ambitions TBD
Hobbies & Interests Chatting with people.

Personal History TBD
Service Record TBD