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Portrait of the Fiancee as a Young Woman

Posted on Sun 19th Nov, 2017 @ 10:30pm by Purulence Addams

426 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Park, deck 1551
Timeline: Before the Halloween Party

The plump, ebony-skinned woman with the long, black hair sat holding a drawing PADD and stylus on a park bench, sketching. The nearby surroundings took form on her PADD with swift, confident movements of her hand. Trees appeared, grass, children playing on the playground equipment as their parents watched them nearby. A few of the parents came by to talk to her, reassured once they saw the overall picture she was drawing.

Most of the Earth-human parents gave her odd looks when she introduced herself. Purulence Addams took that in stride. The only people who ever made no comment about her name were non-humans who thought anything human was odd. And the art fans, she thought, as she chatted with one woman who was trying to jones for a discounted portrait.

Sorry, lady, I have to earn a living, just like you do, Purulence thought.

A soft tone sounded from her PADD. Purulence excused herself to read an incoming message and switched her device from sketch mode to comm mode once the overly chatty woman moved far enough away. She both glowed with happiness and shook with old anxiety as she saw whom the message was from.

Dearest Purulence,

When are you coming home? Collinwood is not nearly as beautiful without you, even if the trees are turning colors all over Maine. I've missed you terribly much. What did your sisters say? Will they come back to Earth for the wedding? I know you said your family is protective, and certainly with good reason, given what you went through, but you've been away for a while. Have you changed your mind? Is everything all right? Please write to me soon!



Purulence smiled at his elegant, calligraphed signature and felt herself partially melt inside--at the same time as she gave a low-throated whimper of fright and went tense.

What am I going to do? What if I'm making the wrong choice AGAIN? I can't go through that a second time; I just can't put myself under someone else's power like that. Never again!

Except I already said yes. And I was so happy about it. And I'm still so happy! But I was so stupid to do that! What was I thinking? I can't possibly marry him. But I want to dance every time I think about it...when I'm not trying to curl up into a ball and scream.

How do I know if I'm doing the right thing?


Purulence Addams (NPC)
Portrait Artist and Nervous Fiancee


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