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Chasing a Puzzle

Posted on Sun 25th Feb, 2018 @ 5:03pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller
Edited on on Sun 25th Feb, 2018 @ 5:22pm

499 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Science Lab 4


"Computer, can you destroy this object?" Thomas asked, concerned about the borg nanite reveal.


"Brilliant. Any idea Lieutenant?" He asked Jasmine.

"No sir." Jasmine shook her head. "Can't you shoot it with your phaser? Or maybe we put it in a sterile polymer container and eject it out into space."

"We'll try the phaser option," Thomas said. "Computer, disengage shield." The computer did as Thomas asked, with Thomas taking his phaser out, before aiming and shooting the object. Nothing happened for a few seconds, before the object jumped forward a couple of inches. "Computer, engage shield."

"I guess the latter option may work better then," Thomas said, trying to examine the object without trying to get too close. It was fascinating, as much as it was scary at the same time.

"It doesn't look like a common Borg nanite. Does it?" Jasmine asked also looking closely at the object. She brightened for a moment. "Compute, can you date the object? How old is it?" She asked as she turned to Thomas. "What do we really know about the Borg other than they are both organic and synthetic and that they strive for some self-defined perfection?"

"No, nothing that I've ever seen before," Thomas answered. "You've pretty much summed up all we know, and that they generally want to assimilate everything. Maybe this has something to do with that and their perfection answers."

"Well, they"re contained again so we aren't in any danger. They don't seem to have the 'thinking skills' of the Borg" Jasmine watched the container carefully and then as if with a second thought, "Computer, activate a secondary shield around the container and modulate the frequency every fifteen microseconds." A blue glimmer came down over the container and then vanished as a second containment field surrounded the nanites. "That should hold for a while. I'm going to do some more research and see if I can find a way to destroy these and maybe get an idea of where they came from."

Maynard decided to do some his own research and left Jasmine to hers. When Jasmine turned around, Thomas Maynard had disappeared. He did, however, leave her a parting gift. He'd left his station open to the information he'd been gathering, his security code intact.

Jasmine knew that Maynard had other things he needed to do for the security of the station and she was greatful that he had left her with the ability to continue their information search. Pulling up the archives, she read what they had found so far.

There were debriefing notes from Admiral Picard's experience as a member of the Borg collective. The information he remembered of the collective was invaluable. Jasmine was able to delve into the history of the Borg and the Borg Queen. She learned a little about the Borg origins and the planet the nanites came from.

Jasmine began delving into all the files about the Borg collective, its queen, and its origins.



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