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The Finest Whisky

Posted on Sun 26th Nov, 2017 @ 3:41am by Colonel Horatio Drake
Edited on on Mon 27th Nov, 2017 @ 4:54am

1,253 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Deck 600: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD-01: TBC

Drake had found the quietest and most out of the way alcove to sit, the pile of PADDS in front of him loomed like an ever present and never ending tormentor. Somehow his career had gone from a combat Marine to a checker of reports. By the time these reports filtered up to him, there was scarcely anything wrong with them ... anything that should be approved had already been given the seal of approval by numerous senior officers, and anything that shouldn't be approved had usually already been denied. However, he knew the importance of face time for someone in his position, and he had been hiding away for some months now.

He couldn't remember the last time he had a proper drink so decided that was to be the focus of his evening. Naturally there was only one place to go if one wanted the absolute best, hence his current location.

Jade had spotted the base commander when he entered, and also noticed that he'd brought work with him and sought out a reclusive table. She gave him a few minutes to get settled, and then came by with a complimentary drink. His aura still had dark tinges, indicating he hadn't fully recovered from his experiences while off base. She'd heard a few rumors, but she wasn't about to pry into his issues.

Of course, making herself available if he chose to share a story with her wasn't prying. Setting a warm cup of Rylusian Rest tea in front of him, she said, "Good afternoon, Colonel. You're welcome to whatever the house has, but I thought I'd start your meal with a new tea I've discovered. Do you mind if I join you for a few minutes?"

"That's very kind of you, Miss. Lantz." Drake stood into a half stand, manners had been drilled into him as a child. "Please, that would be my pleasure." He extended his arm to the other side of the booth.

"So, what sort of tea is this?" he asked. It was no secret that his drink of preference, especially during a duty shift, was coffee ... any sort of coffee. But, bring British, he could never refuse a decent cup of tea.

"It's something from Rylusia. I didn't know until recently that they have a perfect climate in the northern hemisphere for growing a tea that is, chemically, very similar to several species of Ceylon teas from the 19th century on Earth. Once I found out, of course," she laughed, "I had to try some. I found it quite pleasing, but I'm sure it isn't to everyone's taste. That's why it's on the house for you. I can't afford to offend the base commander!"

He smiled, "Well, as I say, that's very kind of you Miss Lantz." He hesitated for a moment and he took a sip, it was indeed as pleasant as she described with a definitive Ceylon style taste. "Truth be told, after I finish this delicious cup of tea, I was rather hoping to try a small selection of your whiskey? I hear your collection is equally as impressive?"

"It includes Aldebaran and Jack Daniels behind the bar," she agreed. "Chivas Regal, Cutty Sark, Friar John's, Dewars, Johnny Walker in all colors, Glen Carder," Jade paused for a breath. "Teacher's and Scot's Bard, of course. Haig Club and Invergordon for the pure grain lovers and Monkey Shoulder and Peat Chimney for the malt worshipers. Plus I might have missed one or two, such as synthahol versions, and there's also private stock, just for special occasions. Is this a special occasion, Colonel?"

He smiled and paused, looking her straight in the eyes. Despite not saying anything directly there was an undertone in her voice, her whole mannerisms... Does she know why I've come in?

"I wouldn't say a particularly special occasion... since returning from the Bretagne I've been... struggling... with some disturbing imagery. I'm sure these are just a side effect of what took place, but I thought it's probably nothing that a little drink couldn't remedy. Settle the nerves and such like." He smiled again, not even believing himself.

Jade smiled and asked gently, "Is that the advice you'd give to a young second lieutenant in your situation, Colonel? Have a drink?"

Drake nodded slowly, understanding what she was getting at. She was, of course right, her logic was infallible. "No, I suppose not. I have an appointment with Commander Graves tomorrow morning to help me come to terms with what happened." He paused, contemplating what he was about to say next. "The thing is, I've seen far worse than what I witnessed on the Bretagne. I don't understand what made this situation affect me so much. I'm convinced it's something physiological rather than psychological."

"I don't know a lot about what you found, but rumors on the base indicate the crew was attacked by some kind of disease or organism. Do you think there still could have been anything there after all this time?" Lantz sounded doubtful. "I would have thought Dr. Addams would have detected it, if there were, but," her brow furrowed, "... are you thinking there could there be something for which there's no screening test?"

He rubbed his face with his right hand. "Perhaps... I don't know... I just know that how I'm feeling now isn't how I should be feeling." He paused and smirked. "Then again, I'm sure that's what everyone with a psychological disorder eventually comes to think."

Jade laughed, as he'd meant her to do. "Dr. Graves can probably help you sort that out. I have to tell you ..." she hesitated. Should she share her own experience? She had rarely ever done so.

Deciding this was a time to share, she continued, "When I lost my entire family, everyone thought I handled it very well. Even I thought so. The truth was that I wasn't handling it at all. I merely shoved it aside and went forward so, later, it hit me much harder than I could ever have imagined. You're doing the right thing by talking it out now. You don't want it to explode on you later and," she smiled, "you can't drink it under the table, no matter how hard you try."

Thoughts of Patrick hit him in the face like a sledgehammer. He could feel himself slipping down a road and running all the red lights - he mentally stopped himself before it went any further. He too had buried that... the only difference was he hadn't yet dealt with the repercussion of it, instead burying himself in work. Might this have something to do with that? He very much hoped not. At any rate, this wise old woman was making some very good points - he had probably, subconsciously, chosen O&J in order to be talked round.

"Miss. Lantz, I think you're right. I think I will finish this tea and have myself a delicious coffee, sit here for a while and get on with some work." He smiled a hollow smile, it was the best he could muster.

Jade rose, seeing that he had absorbed all he could for the moment. Sometimes life, like tea, had to steep a bit. "I'll get you that coffee, a nice Orchids & Jazz Special Blend perhaps? And maybe you should check with Dr. Addams, just in case there is something that didn't show up on sensors because no one knew to look for it."


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