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Posted on Wed 6th Dec, 2017 @ 11:47am by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Mikaela Locke & Commander Paul Graves PsyD

1,126 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Deck 12: Main Operations
Timeline: MD-01: 0600 Hours


Some weeks had passed since Drake's ill-fated mission to the Bretagne. The mission had taken a lot from him in more than one respect. He could cope with the loss of his XO... he could even cope with how close he came to death, it wasn't the first time and he doubted it would be the last. But he couldn't fathom the loss of an entire crew, at their own hands. Since returning to active duty he had been suffering from, what he could only describe, as flashbacks... of events that happened on the Bretagne over a hundred years ago. He knew this weren't real but had finally admitted to himself that Graves was the best man to help him process these apparitions.

The chime shook him from his thoughts. "Come in", he said, picking up a PADD in order to look busy.

The doors slid open and Mikaela Locke entered, her stride beguiling the absolute lack of confidence she felt wearing command red for the first time. At least the she was dealing with a familiar face this morning. At least, she thought she was - there was something about her old friend that just seemed a little off. She shrugged off her concerns for the time being, but made a mental note to revisit them at a later stage.

"Colonel Drake," she said, as she arrived a few feet in front of the marine commander's desk, "Lieutenant Commander Mikaela Locke, reporting for duty."

"Mikaela Locke." Drake stood, a huge grin on his face. "Red suits you."

Locke inclined her head slightly, almost out of embarrassment, but allowed a small smile to creep across her face. "Thank you, sir," she replied. "I'm not quite used to it yet, though."

He moved around his desk and extended his hand. Since discovering that his previous XO had been reporting back to Starfleet Command about his activities he had felt like all he had where enemies on the station... people to distrust. Winchester being the exception to that - but now he could add another ally to that small list.

"It's good to see you, Mikaela." He said, sincerely.

Locke took a couple of paces towards her commanding officer and her friend and accepted his handshake. It was both a formal and a genuinely warm moment at the same time. "It's good to see you too, sir," she responded, allowing her smile to broaden.

"So, have you had a chance to look around much yet?"

"Not really," Mikaela replied, "I only arrived late last night. I've found my new quarters and that's about it. Although I presume nothing major has moved?"

"You'll be surprised!" Drake smiled, crossing his arms and leaning on his desk. "The old thing was in a fairly bad state, Starfleet is slowly investing resources into her... but, for the most part, she's probably just as you remember her."

"Come on, let me show you your shiny new office!" He smiled, not remembering the last time he felt happier to see someone.


Moments later they found themselves in an office that could have been on any starbase or starship, anywhere in the Federation. In fact there were hundreds of them, the precise mirror image, on Vanguard alone. Drake had summoned Graves whilst en route in order to introduce him to Locke. After all, these three would now be heading up one of the biggest installations Starfleet had to offer.

Mikaela, of course, knew where the XO's office was. She had had briefings there several times during her last stint on board and, even as she stood in the middle of it now - sparse and free from any personal effects - it hadn't yet sunk in that it was really hers.

Paul received the request from Drake to meet in the XO's office. That told him that a new one must have been assigned, which brightened his day. It would be good to have an official executive officer again. He could perform many of the more routine duties, but others he did not have the authority for, and those were beginning to get backlogged, except for when Drake could attend to them. "I'm on my way, Colonel," Paul said and headed for the lift. He exited and made his way to the XO's office, where he rang the chime and stepped inside once the doors opened. Drake stood next to a rather attractive-looking, dark-haired woman. "Good morning, Colonel, Commander."

"Commander, thank you for coming." Drake extended his arm towards Locke. "I'd like you to meet Lieutenant Commander Mikaela Locke." He turned to face the new XO. "Commander Locke, this is the man who has been key in keeping this station running for the past couple of months, Lieutenant Commander Paul Graves. In his spare time, he is also our Chief Counsellor and Second Officer."

Mikaela extended her hand courteously. "A pleasure to meet you, Commander." She seemed to remember that Mister Graves had been on the station the last time she was assigned there, but the two had never met. Mikaela wasn't exactly the type of person to avail herself of counselling services unless regulation absolutely compelled her to - and even then, not if she could get out of it. Graves was taller than Drake, and handsome... very handsome and... judging by his black irises, at least part Betazoid.

'Brilliant,' she chided herself, embarrassed both for the original thought and for letting her emotions rise to the surface so easily.

"I'm glad to meet you, Commander Locke, and I look forward to working with you," Paul said. "Welcome to Vanguard." he paused. "Your name seems familiar. Have we met before?"

"I don't believe so," Locke replied, "Although, I was assigned to the station a few years ago. It is possible you remember my name without us actually formally working together."

Paul nodded. "Yes, quite possible. What did you do when you were here before?"

"I was senior communications officer," Locke replied, "I mainly divided my time between the comm-centre and ops."

"I would never have seen you, then," Paul agreed. "My loss!"

"Well, why don't you get settled, Commander." Drake manoeuvred towards the door. "Report to Operations at oh-eight-hundred-hours for your first duty shift." He smiled warmly. He was definitely experiencing mixed emotions at the moment, Locke came from a different era in his life and represented a time when he was a different person. This blast from the past, coupled with the feelings he had been forced to experience in the aftermath of the Bretagne, were forcing certain wounds wide open. Despite his best efforts to keep these closed, he knew it would only be a matter of time before his efforts became futile.



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Comments (1)

By on Thu 7th Dec, 2017 @ 6:59am

I love this reporting for duty - it doesn't follow the formula! I like the look inside Drake's head, too. It looks like we could have an exploding volcano, or an imploding one, if Dr. Graves doesn't work miracles!