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Not That Again!

Posted on Tue 31st Oct, 2017 @ 3:12am by

836 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Promenade, Closing Ceremonies
Timeline: MD 5, 1600

"So I told Jade I'd like the time off, and she said it was fine. She's really good about that sort of thing, and I have picked the best kitchen staff on Vanguard. Plus I left everything lined out for the evening," Marin explained to her friend, Kaylee. "By the way, have you seen Raela lately?"

"No, nor had a message from her, either. What's going on?"

Holmes shrugged, "I'm not the one to ask. She hasn't been saying much to me for months. It's just that usually I see her around, and it's been ... four days? five? Maybe a whole week since I caught even a glimpse of her."

"This isn't a small ship, Mare, it's an entire small city. She's around doing something. You know her. Always has her nose poked in somewhere," Vanessa said.

"Often where it shouldn't go. Which is why I worry about her." They walked along the Promenade, glancing in at windows and stopping occasionally when something was particularly interesting.

After a few minutes, Vanessa asked, "So where are we heading for the Closing Ceremonies?"

"Starcrossed Stadium, down on 1551 in Tivoli Gardens. Have you been there before?" asked Marin.

"Not yet. This is a first. We're a little early, aren't we?" her friend asked.

"Maybe, but I want a good seat. There are thousands of seats, but thousands are supposed to be attending, too. I'd like to actually see some of the dancing and hear the music without the overheads. Here's the express lift, and ... it isn't too crowded." She grabbed Vanessa's hand and pulled her on to the rapidly filling turbolift.

Once the doors closed, most people were very quiet. A boy about eight fidgeted next to Marin, and she asked, "Are you going to the ceremonies?"

He looked up and nodded, "Yeah, my dad has to work but me and my mom are going."

"My mom and I," said his mother automatically.

The boy looked confused. "Isn't that what I said?"

Marin laughed, "Oh boy, do I remember that conversation with my mother! Have a great time," she said to both the mother and the son, as the lift stopped and people began to move out.

"You'll just talk to anyone, won't you?" her friend teased.

Marin stuck out her tongue, causing Vanessa to laugh and say, "Mature, Mare, really mature."

Everyone was streaming toward the stadium, so Holmes grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her along, darting into small spaces and arriving at the gate only half-winded. She held out the two tickets, which she'd had in her hand the entire way, and they were through and moving toward their section in no time. The tickets were not for a particular seat, only a section, so that they could take any seat they wanted, and Marin wanted up close in front. Even though the gates had been open only about fifteen minutes, the first few rows were filled already. She led her friend to two seats on the aisle of row 11, which had a walkway between it and the first ten rows.

"I think this will do nicely," she said, plopping down in her seat.

"If you like your toes mashed," Vanessa complained, dropping down next to her.

"I do. It's my favorite thing," Marin responded, looking around at everything. A couple took the seats behind them, and after a few minutes, the man leaned forward and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Aren't you the head chef at Orchids & Jazz?" he asked.

The chef turned around in her seat and took a look at him. "Yes, but you don't look familiar to me. Have I met you before?"

"No, no," he said. "I've eaten there, and I've seen your picture on the placard. Excellent food, by the way. I recommend it to all my friends."

You and a thousand others just like you Marin thought, not impressed by him at all. Aloud, however, she said, "That's very nice of you." She started to turn back to the front when he put a hand out to stop her.

"I've always wondered ... well, you know. Marin Holmes. Are you, by any chance related to the famous Sherlock Holmes?"

Marin had known what was coming before the man managed to say half of it. She managed, just barely, not to roll her eyes.

"Why, no, I'm not. I'm so sorry to disappoint you."

The man leaned back in his seat and took his partner's hand. "No, not at all. I knew it wasn't likely, but ... I had to ask."

She smiled and did turn around then. Vanessa was looking straight ahead, trying her best not to laugh. Marin squeezed her hand and said, "If you laugh, I'm stepping on your toes myself."

"But you lied to that nice man," her friend hissed quietly. "I would never have believed it if I hadn't heard it myself. YOU lied!"

"Bite your tongue. I never lie. You know that," Marin said calmly and waited for the pre-show to begin.


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