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Singing the Homesick Blues

Posted on Tue 31st Oct, 2017 @ 1:34am by
Edited on on Tue 7th Nov, 2017 @ 7:15am

632 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: McCabe Quarters
Timeline: MD 5, 1600

"Hey, Antonio!" the annoying LTJG called, clapping Tony on the shoulder. "You heading out for the closing ceremonies? I bet we could find us two gorgeous babes out there. Whattaya say, huh?" The man looked positively lecherous ... and Tony hated being called Antonio, especially when his name was Anthony.

"Nah, I'm beat. I don't think I have much to offer a babe right now, gorgeous or otherwise. You go on and have a good time." He managed to pull out a grin, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do, and waved the lieutenant off.

Although Tony had intended to go to the Closing Ceremonies for Unity Week, he wasn't going with that clown. And he was tired, bone-deep tired, which he knew wasn't all about work. He missed Arabella, and he was missing everything as she grew up. She was lready four, and he had a bare dozen memories of time spent with her.

He stopped on the Promenade and picked up several pork-and-veggie kabobs from Lysistrata's Kitchen, and then headed home. Eventually, he'd have to share these quarters again, but for now, he was home alone. He tossed the food container on the desk and got out of his uniform, throwing it toward the recycler. As he pulled on jeans and a black knit shirt, he took an unbiased look around his quarters. It wasn't much to offer a little girl, even if he didn't have a roommate. If he could just get a promotion ....

He sat sideways on his bed and bit into a kebob, still thinking about Arabella. The computer pulled him away from his downward spiraling thoughts.

=^=Incoming call from Janetta McCabe.=^=

"Yeah," he said quickly, wondering why she wasn't using Larson. "Put her up."

=^=Hello, big brother. How's it out yonder in the wild black?=^= his sister greeted him, face smiling. That was a clue that she was okay, at least.

"It's good. Busy at work, and we're wrapping up the end of Unity Week on the station," he answered, smiling back. Already, he felt better.

=^=Unity Week? Is that what it sounds like? Everyone gets drunk together and has a fight in the backyard?=^=

Tony laughed harder than he had in a long while. "No, little sister. That would be what happens at family reunions with your cousins. This was actually about cultures coming together to celebrate their diversity."

Immediately, she shot back, =^=Then why isn't it called Diversity Week?=^=

He laughed again. "Ya got me. I have no idea." Suddenly it hit him that there was no time lag in their conversation. "Wait, where's our usual few second time lag? How'd you get rid of that?"

In the background, he heard a giggle, and then a small head popped into the frame. =^=Supwise, Daddy! We comed to bisit you!=^=

Shocked and definitely surprised, Tony answered, "You did? Well, Punkin, that's the best surprise ever! Where are you?" His glance went to his sister, who was still smiling, but now he could see the strain around her eyes.

=^=Um ... in Arrivals? Wanna come get us? I'll explain everything.=^= A tiny bit of anxiety crept into her voice. =^=It's okay, isn't it?=^=

Having no idea what would come next, he smiled the biggest smile he had, and said, "It's way better than okay. I was sitting here moping and feeling blue and missing my girls. This is the best! I'll be down to get you as fast as I can. Give me maybe 5 minutes and you'll be getting two big hugs! Watch for me, Ari!"

His meal forgotten, Tony thumb locked the door and hurried to the lift. What was going on, he didn't know, but he'd be here for his girls, whatever they needed.


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