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Promotion or Resignation?

Posted on Sat 18th Nov, 2017 @ 4:50am by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

1,132 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Ensign McCabe's Quarters/Chief Science Officer's Office
Timeline: MD 1, 0730

Anthony walked out of the shower already dressed. He'd already learned that with a 4-year-old around, there had to be a change of routine. He looked around his personal space and grinned. What personal space? There were neatly stacked toys in the corner, but the closet didn't hold all the clothes it took for his sister and his daughter, so there was overflow onto chair backs and table surfaces.

"Oh, hey," Janetta said, "I meant to have breakfast ready for you."

"Not a problem. I don't usually eat it anyway," her brother said.

"That's bery bad for you, Daddy. Brekface is the mos' import-ent meal of the day," Arabella scolded.

"Is that right? Who says so?" he teased her.

Ari's hands went to her hips and she frowned at him. "Everbody knows that. An' I say so."

"Okay, Punkin, I promise I'll get something at Orchids & Jazz before I go into the lab. If I leave right now, I have just enough time." He held out his hands for her to come get her goodbye hug.

"You pwomise?" she asked, not moving.

"On my honor as a Starfleet officer," he solemnly swore, and then she came running and jumped into his arms.

After a hug for his daughter, he delivered one to his sister. "I'm talking to the head geek today. We've got to get something bigger. You girls need more privacy than this."

"We're okay, really. We came without invitation and dumped ourselves on your doorstep. We'll make do." She smiled at him, but he still saw that, even after more than a week here, there was strain in the smile. And she hadn't explained anything yet.

"Nevertheless," he said. "And it's time I got a promotion, too. This is ridiculous. I'll soon be the oldest Ensign in Starfleet." He straightened his uniform and said, "Good news when I come home or else!"

All the while he was taking the turbolift to Deck 600 to grab something fast off Jade's breakfast buffet, Anthony was thinking about his arguments for promotion, lining his facts up. He'd hit the Lieutenant first thing. Maybe he should grab something for her, too. Pregnant women were always hungry.

Shortly before eight hundred hours, McCabe walked into the Chief Science Officer's office bearing a tall cup of fresh orange juice and a healthy cranberry orange muffin. "Hey, boss, got a minute?" he asked, setting the tray on her desk and pushing it in her direction.

"Anthony, come in." Jasmine smiled. Anthony was one of her favorite people. She and Oscar both felt comfortable around him. Oscar had already jumped up and was sniffing at Anthony's feet waiting for the usual pat on the head he received from the more friendly staff members. "How can I help you?" Jasmine asked shaking her head at the dog. "I think he's gotten more protective of me since my pregnancy."

"Rightfully so," the engineer said, rubbing the dog's head. "Right, fella? Gotta take care of our beautiful women don't we?"

Oscar nudged the man's hand, as he tried to remove it, then jumped up and woofed. "When you're right, you're right, boy," he said giving him another scratch. "Here you go, Loot. Special Lantz breakfast for pregnant women. She assured me you'd want this." He slid the tray across her desk.

"Ah, thank you." Jasmine accepted the tray. "At least someone wants to keep the peace between myself and Adam." She'd been having a difficult time concentrating on taking care of herself lately. She greedily took a bite from the muffin. "These muffins are amazing."

"While you're enjoying it, I'd like to talk to you about --." Suddenly, his throat closed up. It was hard to feel like a begger. He cleared his throat to try again.

"What is it, Anthony?" Jasmine looked up as she sipped the orange juice.

Plunging in, he answered, "Have you looked at my personnel records, Ma'am? Do you have any idea why I've been an Ensign for six years? I have friends from the Academy who are up for lieutenant! Heck, one already is. I'm good at what I do, I know I am, so why am I the joke of Starfleet, the six-year Ensign?"

"To be honest Anthony, I never really looked into it." Jasmine suddenly looked sad. She was very empathetic toward her friend, and she wished she had an answer for him. They hadn't worked together for long but in the few months they had, she had been very impressed with his work as well as with his work ethic. "However, I may be able to make you feel a little better about yourself." She smiled as she turned to her console and started typing something in. "I sent this to Colonel Drake just this morning." She pulled up a communication and sat back so Anthony could read the recommendation to make him her Assistant Chief in the Science Department.

As he read, a slow smile spread over Anthony's face. At the end, he looked up and simply said, "Thank you for your faith in me. It feels good, and I won't let you down." He was quiet for a minute and then smiled again, "Might make it a little easier to get descent family quarters, too, which is next on my agenda."

He wouldn't forget about the promotion, but this felt like one, in a way. Someday, they'd have to promote him ... wouldn't they? For now, he could wait on the letter of resignation ... at least until the lieutenant was back on duty full time.

"I'm afraid the Colonel has to approve it and make any decision as to promotions, but I won't accept anyone in your place." She smiled. "How is your family settling in?" she asked.

"Oh, fairly well, considering it's definitely bachelor's quarters. Ari - Arabella, that is - she's happy anywhere, everywhere. She doesn't know the meaning of the word hardship. Or the word privacy, either," he chuckled.

"Janetta ... I don't know. Something's wrong there, but she isn't telling me much. I think it has something to do with Jack ... her husband. She's not ready to talk," he shrugged, "so I'm giving her what she needs and when she's ready, I'll be here. We really need those family quarters, though. You know what they say about children and time to yourself ... there isn't any, even in the bathroom! All of which is leading up to my asking for a couple of hours at lunch when I can go to Operations and see about bigger quarters."

"Take all the time you need." Jasmine smiled at him. "I was going to do some work in the botany lab for someone on the base. So barring any emergency, you can take as much time as you need."


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