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A New Place To Call Home

Posted on Tue 3rd Oct, 2017 @ 5:55am by Lieutenant Anjohl Gaden MD
Edited on on Wed 4th Oct, 2017 @ 5:39am

392 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Infirmary
Timeline: Current

Anjohl Gaden had spent the last ten days in isolation, recovering from a mutated form of Rigelian Fever, a disease that some madman had decided to turn into a bioweapon. But while the man was insane he was quite brilliant. The virus had a fatality that measured close to thirty-five percent, but for Cardassians, it was much higher.

When Starfleet had seen fit to send him to a Cardassian refugee camp, he had gone with mixed emotions. He was a compassionate man, but Bajor had been under a repressive Cardassian government for many years and it had stuck Anjohl very close to home. His parents had died and his siblings disappeared because of those people. To be asked to treat them was almost too much for him.

Still, in the end, he had gone. He'd done his duty and it had almost killed him. The good news though was that the team he'd lead had been successful. Lives had been saved. He still, deep down, so deep he wouldn't reveal it to anyone wasn't sure how he felt about that.

Though the mission was classified and he wasn't supposed to talk about it to anyone, it had brought him a promotion, or in his case something better than a promotion, his choice of assignments. For the past eighteen months, Starfleet had him on the run going from hot spot to hot spot. At first, it had been fun, or at least exciting. But he had grown weary of it. He wanted a place to call home, a place to settle down.

During his time in isolation had thought a lot about what kind of assignment he wanted. After a lot of consideration, he had decided against a Starship and chosen a Starbase instead. He'd talked to his Commanding officer back in San Francisco by subspace radio three or four times discussing the opportunities that were out available to him. But when he'd heard about Vanguard, an opportunity to be the Assistant Chief, there had been no more need to talk.

Three days after being released from isolation and cleared for duty, he had been on a transport ship. A week after boarding, he had arrived at the station and had gotten his new quarters, very spacious quarters.

He had unpacked a few personal belongings and then headed to the Infirmary


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