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Holodeck Problems: Part 2

Posted on Sat 7th Oct, 2017 @ 9:30pm by Lieutenant Thomas Maynard & Captain Gunnar
Edited on on Wed 25th Oct, 2017 @ 4:00am

1,276 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Holodecks 2 & 3

"Urination is not required to solve our current situation, and your anger is not helping either. Learn to live with yourself or kill yourself either way decide which you prefer. I would be honored to take your head if you prefer that route." Gunnar said simply as he shook his head at the human. "How would your wife and son feel about you acting like a child and dwelling on the past when they would want you to continue to the future for a new life and chapter in that life, eh?. My people would want me to live for them, maybe you should consider living for your wife and son instead of moping like a cub, crying over the fact you could not help them and things happen for a reason, you cant change it, so why bother dwell on it?" Gunnar said heading down the hall.

"My son doesn't care what happens with me and would love to see me rot, and my wife is dead so she has no views on that," He paused. "She got murdered, I know it, and all I got told after the investigation was that it was an accident. There is no way. I drink to forget that the culprit got away with it. It is my way of getting over it for now."

"No, drinking is your way of clouding your judgement, its your way of coping but not dealing with the situation. You want revenge, not justice. Revenge will cost you your life, your career, justice will not. You want to find the person who murdered your wife? Then stop sulking and drinking yourself to death and do something with your life. Fathers and sons argue, if your wife was alive how would you think she would feel about you sulking like this?, or would you want to put your wife's spirit to rest and get on with your life?. If you prefer this route I can help you." Gunnar said feeling a bit sad for the man.

Thomas stared at Captain Gunnar with a blank expression on his face. He had never met anyone like him, someone that just told him straight. He had blocked people like this out of his life and now he was stuck in a holodeck with someone hitting him with all the facts there and then. He nodded before straightening his clothes slightly. "You are right of course. I need to get over it and man up. I've been very selfish about myself." He almost whispered.

"Yes you have been." Gunnar said, as he heard the bare whisper. "Superior hearing." Gunnar said anticipating a confusing look from Maynard. "Now, the first point of manning up is finding out how to get out of this maze, unless you trapped us here on purpose?, to meet me without coming up to say 'hello' first." Gunnar said giving a half smile.

"Ha!" Maynard let out a laugh, "You can only wish." The holodeck flickered again. "I didn't trap us and that's for sure. Any ideas?"

"I hate technology. I only use it if I have too, otherwise, I let the engineer build the stuff, show me how it works. Im the kinda kitty that you show how to flick the light on and off, that's as far as my understanding goes, now if you wish something destroyed, blown up, or whatever. I'm your feline." Gunnar replied.

"I will remember that if I need anything destroyed," Thomas raised a smile. "Oh I'm an idiot!" He pressed his comms badge, "Lt. Maynard to Ops. Captain Gunnar and I are stuck in holodecks 2 and 3. Some kind of merging has happened between the two and we have no way of getting out. Any help will be appreciated."

A swift reply came back, "An engineer will look into it now, hold on tight!"

"Such an idiot," He smirked to Gunnar.

"Engineers have there purpose, Lt. Usually as fodder, as they tend to go first in certain situations. Otherwise the scout goes first. Also engineers are smarter then me and most people so they must not be an idiot unless they purposefully are trying to be 'douches' as you humans say." Gunnar said to Thomas.

"Yes, you are an idiot. You should have called to begin with, not waited so long to call them." Gunnar smirked in reply.

"Well you could have thought of it also so the blame doesn't solely rest on me!" Thomas quipped. "What did you say your species are again?"

"Oh I would have thought of it but your the Intelligence officer here, so why didn't you show some intelligence? After all I am such a mindless grunt of a marine who my soul purpose around here is to shoot things mindlessly or so that's what your Starfleet superiors believe anyways." Gunnar said as he thought a moment. "Oh I could tell you but then I would have to kill you to keep myself and my people safe from those who would turn and use us for a secret weapon of war, which if that happens, pray we aren't enemies." Gunnar replied as his facial features turned quite deadly on his face, as he showed no impression he was joking.

"What my superiors believe are what they believe. I generally don't care what they think," Thomas said. "Brilliant, I will make a name up for your species then," He paused. "Although you'll probably try and kill me for being offensive so I best not!"

"Now that is the first sign of intelligence you've shown so far, its bad enough I get comments about my size, don't need someone to make up a name for my species that makes no sense to begin with. Now show more Intelligence and get us out of here." Gunnar said aloud.

Before Thomas could reply, the comms went off, "Lt. Maynard, Captain Gunnar, we are just opening the doors. Another 5 and you'll both be out,"

"Oh, I would hate to devour you to survive." Gunnar said licking his lips as he gave the impression to the officer that he would indeed eat the officer as a meal if it meant his survival. "mmmmm scrumptious." Gunnar said as he pressed the issue. "Glazed human, with a side of diced liver. YUM!" Gunnar said as he continued to look at the man licking his lips once more for added effect.

"I would question whether you've actually eaten a human, but I don't doubt you on that," Thomas said blankly, waiting for engineering to rescue the pair.

"Oh I have actually, he tasted like snake meat too. Though I had to eat him rawwwwww, after I tenderized the meat by bashing it with a rock. Oh did it taste just fine, only downside was the blood, the veins and arteries made eating him to be very difficult but its possible. Then bash open the bones to eat the marrow, I think was the desert and me being a big as I am, I need all that to stay warm and able to work out. Hmmmmm." Gunnar said as he savored eating human once again as his mouth began to water, lips smacked. "Yeahhhh. Cmon here! I am hungry." Gunnar said as he approached the human slowly, savoring each step with anticipation of the feast.

Thomas didn't react. Instead he took another swig of his drink. Suddenly the holodeck door appeared and a friendly face popped out, "Lookie here, we've found you. Hopefully that won't happen again."

"I should hope not," Thomas grunted.

"Good, I have somewhere to be. Lt." Gunnar said as he exited the holodeck grateful to be out of that situation.


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