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The Case of the Strange Object

Posted on Mon 28th Aug, 2017 @ 10:06pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Thomas Maynard
Edited on on Tue 29th Aug, 2017 @ 2:12am

846 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Intel


Jasmine sat at her console once again turning the small metal object in her hand. It had her baffled and this was just the challenge to keep her occupied for the next few days and bring her back to reality. It was then that the light reflected off the stone in her rose gold ring making her smile again as she recalled the nights events and Adam's romantic proposal. From this point forward, Orchids and Jazz would be her most favorite spot in the galaxy.

"Concentrate Jax!" She scolded herself and went back to the small object that had been given to her three days ago. It had become her knew obsession and she was going to solve the puzzle one way or another.

"Oscar, you stay here." She smiled down at the pup who seemed to be growing larger by the hour. "I'll be fine inside." She chimed the door and waited. Expecting Adam to answer, she was surprised when the man that stood before her was leaner and older than what she was expecting.

"Oh, hello." She said a bit startled but she instantly felt the man was kind if not a little sad and calmed herself.

"Hello," The man said back to her. "I'm assuming you must be Lt. Collins. Pleased to meet you, Adam has spoken a fair bit about you. I guess a congratulations is in order to! I think I am rambling, I'm Lt. Thomas Maynard. How may I help?" Thomas had awoken fairly happy for once, and was in a good mood for the time being.

Jasmine blushed a little. "I - yes. I'm Lieutenant Collins...erm. Jasmine please." She needed to make herself be more outgoing if she was ever to get past her phobias. Her time with Doctor Graves had helped her to realize this. She quickly fished into her pocket. "I was wondering if Adam or yourself might be able to help me with some questions I have." She held the small object up in her and between her fingers. "I'm doing some investigating for Commander Hunt." She handed the object to Maynard.

Maynard played with the small metallic object in his fingers, looking towards the pattern on the object, "Where did you get this?"

"It came to me from Commander Hunt. He received it from his brother who is an explorer. I've done several tests on it but can't seem to get any concrete information. It has a super high atomic weight and a hundred and twenty seven trillion circuits many of which are organic but it seems completely inert." She explained.

"I've seen these before, but for the life of me I can't remember where," He continued to fiddle with the object. "Do you know what planet it's from?"

"No," She shook her head. "But I was told the planet was covered in them. They lay all over the ground like marbles on a board."

"Hmm, strange," He continued to observe the object. "I've seen this object before once on a planet. Market stall. This Bajoran place had one for sale. Expensive as anything. I remember speaking to the woman owner about it. She said that it was one of a kind and belonged to a race called the 'Piernens'. I had never heard of them and I tried my best to find any information out about them, but there was nothing to be found. A, it clearly isn't one of a kind, which now means that the woman might have made a race up. Or..." He paused. "Maybe. Could it have," He started whispering to himself. "Is there any way for the object to manifest and duplicate itself? Theoretically?" He asked Jasmine.

"I suppose it could duplicate itself." Jasmine frowned. "But this one is about a year old and hasn't shown any signs of any kind of replication. But the Commander did say the markings were unique to each pellet. Perhaps that's what the woman meant about one of a kind?" She asked. "I'd love to have a few of them to see if they interact together. I mean there has to be something to them."

"She could have very well meant that. Lucky for you, I bought the one off this Bajoran," He beamed at Collins. "I can't remember what I've done with it, but it's in my quarters somewhere. Once I've finished my shift for the day, I will spend the evening looking for it and will come back first thing in the morning. Sound good?"

Jasmine grinned. "That is amazing! Perfect, thank you."

Thomas smiled, "Brilliant! See you first thing," He turned around and walked out of his office. The woman had made him happy with how enthusiastic she got, he could see what Adam could see in her.

Jasmine could barely contain herself. She nearly jumped with excitement as she turned to leave the Intel offices. She wanted to get home and talk to Adam and they had news to deliver to their individual families.


Lt. Thomas Maynard
Chief Intelligence Officer


Lt. Jasmine Collins
Chief Science Officer


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 29th Aug, 2017 @ 2:16am

Love a good mystery, and this is shaping up to be one. What will happen when two mysterious objects are put together? Applause! More, please!