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Rather More Than Less

Posted on Tue 18th Jul, 2017 @ 8:57pm by
Edited on on Thu 20th Jul, 2017 @ 12:10am

464 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Quinn's quarters, Deck 175
Timeline: Day 3, around 2300

"I could have gone out after the concert, you know," Quinn told her house guest, a medium-sized black cat with large green eyes. "It's just that work has been so intense with the ChEng out sick. Besides, the concert was a perfect ending to the evening. Such beautiful music," she yawned.

Remaining in the comfortable chair, relaxing into its soft comfort and closing her eyes, Jin-Kyung's hand continued stroking the cat's back. It purred to show its appreciation, a loud buzzing sound that was also relaxing to the engineer.

Nearly asleep, she murmured, "I feel so connected to you, as if you aren't a cat at all."

Her hand came to a stop and Artemis jumped from her lap, since no further stroking was likely. He prowled the room, looking over his shoulder at Jin from time to time, as if checking on her status. Finally satisfied by whatever his nose confirmed, he leaped up on the chair conveniently left slightly out from under Quinn's desk. He cast another glance over at the human, licking his paw and grooming his face. Again he was satisfied with what he saw.

Standing on his hind legs, Artemis put his forefeet on the desk and examined the computer. Tentatively, he tapped one paw on the keyboard. He'd watched the woman on her computer until he thought he knew the whole procedure, but nothing happened. He tried again on the same key, with the same results. Randomly, he tapped other keys, but nothing happened.

Chagrined, he sat back on his hind quarters and contemplated the machine. His throat issued a low growl, possibly a challenge to the computer. Sneezing, he shook his head. He'd have to watch again, more closely. He had obviously missed something.

Stretching his back out fully, Artemis dug into the chair and yawned widely before jumping down to the floor again. He ambled over to the woman, knowing if she slept the night in the chair, she'd wake up with aches and pains in several parts of her anatomy. Taking her slipper in his teeth, he tugged several times, and then it slipped off her foot.

One would almost have thought he gave a very human sounding sigh as he patted her foot, finally putting claws out to gently scratch her big toe. He leaped back as Quinn sat up suddenly. "Oh, you naughty creature!" she exclaimed, examining her toe. It was none the worse for wear, so she put her slipper back on and stood.

"I know. You're only trying to help, and you're right, sleeping in the chair is not a good idea. Are you sure you aren't part human?" she asked as she lead the way to the bed. Artemis followed her, answering a soft meow that definitely sounded like yes.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 19th Jul, 2017 @ 9:21am

Another simple but brilliant post!