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Time for Art!

Posted on Thu 17th Aug, 2017 @ 12:41pm by Lieutenant Thomas Maynard & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

753 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Art Exhibit
Timeline: MD 04

Walking at a steady pace around the festivities, Andrew glanced down at the PADD while weaving his way through the people. As day 4 reached the end of his shift, Andrew felt the usual sense of tension. So far, they've been three for three in running Unity Week without incident. As far as Andrew was concerned, things were going well, even by his standards. Even still, he couldn't help but keep his staff on alert.

As he approached what appeared to be an art exhibit, Andrew was too focused on looking down at his PADD to see the crowd grow larger and extend into his path. As he looked up, Andrew was able to see the inevitable impact that he was unable to prevent.

Colliding with at least one person in the line, Andrew's PADD fell as he was knocked backwards. Swearing at his obliviousness, he reached down for the PADD and looked back up to see a very confused man staring back at him. As he returned upright, Andrew straightened his uniform and tried to remain calm, "I apologize. Got carried away and obviously wasn't looking where I was headed. Are you okay?"

Thomas glanced at the blond human without reacting to him. "No problem Sir. I didn't get the brunt of it, you did, so are you okay?" He asked in a way where it seemed curt to do, but not out of politeness.

Nodding, a bit annoyed with the situation he put himself in, Andrew replied, "Physically I'm fine, yes. Again, my apologies..." as he finished and turned to leave, he took a longer look at the man and gave a small grin, "You're Lieutenant Maynard right?"

Thomas nodded briefly in reply.

Andrew extended a hand, "Andrew Eberstark. Pleasure to meet you. Although I wish it was under different circumstances," glancing around at the crowd that was just now going back to the various activities of the evening, "But you got to see me make a fool of myself. Maybe I should just try and enjoy the remainder of the night instead of ramming into someone else right?"

"Ahhh Lt. Eberstark. I haven't had the pleasure," The false niceness showed Maynard's acting skills off undetected. "That probably would help if you don't run into anyone else. Where were you off to?" He questioned, still portraying the nice guy.

Shrugging, Andrew nodded, "Good advice. And nowhere in particular. Just coordinating up some last minute staff assignments to ensure the rest of the evening goes smooth before my shift ends."

As he looked around, Andrew noticed most of the people around were gathering at the place where he and Lt. Maynard were talking. Taking a closer look at the place, he raised an eyebrow, "I guess the Art Exhibit is the place to be tonight. I assume you'll be taking in some of the pieces as well?"

"I wasn't actually on the way to the art exhibit, I was on my way to the nearest bar. But now you've mentioned it, I might very well pop in and see what pieces they have inside," Thomas said, briefly frowning. "Am I correct to say that you helped arrange this Unity Week?"

Andrew gave a small grin at the response, "Well, yes I did. But it really was a combined effort with almost every department on board. We just followed Lt. Dal's lead and made sure events run smoothly. Although that being said, there were times over the course of the Week so far where I've wanted to disappear into a bar for a while."

Thinking that he could use a more interesting distraction than going back to his quarters and reviewing duty rosters, he asked, "I don't mean to impose, but do you mind if I join you? I'm not a big art enthusiast myself, but I'm curious to see what's bringing in this large crowd this evening."

Thomas debated it, he could either palm the guy off or he could play the good side to try and get him on his side if he ever needed a favor in the future. He went with the latter option, "Sure why not. As long as we end up in the bar after!" He bartered. "Plus, I can teach you some lessons in art whilst we go around to!"

Andrew gave a small smile and nod, "Sounds good to me. I'm sure I could use a drink after going through the exhibit," motioning with his hand, "Please, lead the way and I'll try and keep up."


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 19th Aug, 2017 @ 9:02pm

It's hard to write a character who is so devious and unlikeable, but you pull it off well. I like the way Joseph didn't inadvertently respond to any of the offside comments. That's hard to remember, too. Great post and interesting evening ahead!