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Boys Night Out

Posted on Fri 7th Jul, 2017 @ 2:51am by Carlo Rienzi

1,017 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Casino Royale, Deck 1553
Timeline: MD 3, mid-afternoon

It was Reon's turn to get off early to enjoy the Unity Week events. In reality, he had only a passing interest in concerts and dancing, and barely more in art, so he didn't plan to pay much attention to any of the events. In fact, he was at least half-tempted to spend the rest of his day reading.

After a quick turn in the sonic blast and fresh casual clothes - old jeans and a collared knit shirt in a blue he knew brought out the color of his eyes - he thought about these hours of freedom. There were two books he'd acquired recently from Pale Moon Books, and they were calling his name. He set his hand lightly on them where they sat on a small table next to his favorite chair. He tapped them twice and then went to his computer in sudden decision.

Turning it on, he spoke, "Computer, personal contact 10-42, Carlo Rienzi."

=^=Working ... Carlo Rienzi is not in 10-42.=^=

Velasquez felt a quick shard of disappointment. He didn't have many friends ... really only one outside of the people at work. He reached to turn the computer off, but paused. "Can you locate him on Vanguard without violating privacy?" he asked.

=^=Working ... He is in his quarters, no privacy shielding.=^=

"Contact him there, then."

Carlo was relaxing in his recliner with a beer, listening to a 2Cellos recording of Smooth Criminal, when the call came through.

"Computer, sound off," Carlo said. The screechy cello music faded, and the room went quiet. Carlo turned toward his comm transmitter. "Carlo speaking."

=^=Velasquez here. You have any desire to check out that new casino? It's the third day, so I thought the crowds might have died down a bit. Lantz gave me the rest of the day off for Unity Week activities, but I'm not much into culture. You up for it?=^=

"Hell, yeah!" Carlo said, brightening. "I'm not usually one for throwing away my money, but I can go in there and give it a whirl. When and where do you want to meet? And do you know if they want us dressing like James Bond, or do we just go casual?"

=^=Honestly, I have no clue what they want, but I know I'm wearing jeans and a knit shirt.=^= Reon's laugh could be heard over the computer. =^=I can meet you at the lift on deck 1553 in about ... fifteen minutes?=^=

Carlo rang off and dived into his bedroom.

Since he was already dressed, Reon made a leisurely trip from his quarters to Tivoli Gardens and Tumbler View. He stood looking at the waterfall with no desire to walk behind it. He guessed this was supposed to help people forget they were on a huge starbase rotating, in this case, too darned close to Romulan and Klingon space for complete comfort. As he waited for Carlo, Reon ambled along the garden walking path that circled the lift cylinder.

Carlo showed up in a pair of khakis and a loose tunic shirt. Reon saw him as he came around a planting near the lift area. He appreciated Carlo's sense of style, without wanting to duplicate it. As he neared his friend, two men walked by, staring intently at their PADDs.

"Okay, I think we're almost on top of it," one said.

"Yep, there it is. Darned Smurfs captured it and took down the Control Field on this deck. You want to take four of the resonators, and I'll take the other four?"

"On it," the first person said.

Reon watched them for a second and then said, "I've been seeing people staring into their PADDS all over Deck 600, at least our area of it. Do you have any idea what they're doing?"

"Some computer game called Ingress," Carlo said. "You know those blue British Police Call Box doors I installed in 10-42 that lead to the restrooms? They're something called a 'Portal' in the game, which is a location that players come to and do...whatever it is that they do on their PADDs for the game. A lot of the players also stay for a drink and a snack, so I'm okay with it. I'll bet there's a Portal at Orchids and Jazz, too; the place is popular enough." He gave Reon an amused look. "Mainly, when they show me their PADD screens I just say, 'Pretty lights!' and leave them to go about their business."

Velasquez laughed. "Yeah, that sounds about right. I'll have to ask Miss Lantz if we have one. I mostly see them out in the mall. If we don't have one, maybe we should, if it brings in business. Of course, she's pretty particular about our clientele, so she may not go for it.

"So what about heading down to the casino? Like you, I'm not much of a gambler. I grew up living on the edge of falling off, so I like to keep my resources close, but I heard there are several things to do there. Serena was talking about a concert, but that might have already happened."

"I'm cool with a concert if it hasn't already happened," Carlo said. "Any idea what bands are playing? And, hey, I don't have any problem playing a hand of poker or several. You?"

Reon shook his head. "No, I'm not actually against playing, just don't expect me to wager much. The concert - I don't think it's bands, exactly." He wracked his brain trying to remember what he'd heard, and then gave up. "Might as well go find out what's going on."

He looked around and saw a discreet sign pointing the way toward the casino. "Looks like it's that way, but I'm surprised the sign isn't a big flashing banner!"

"So am I," Carlo said. "You'd think they'd want people to find the place! On the other hand, I'm okay with subdued."

"After you, then," Reon said, waving his friend forward.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sun 16th Jul, 2017 @ 9:19am

So loving the reference to the Police Box doors! Also love how you've embedded a picture in there as well!