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Best Laid Plans, Part 2

Posted on Fri 30th Jun, 2017 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Thomas Maynard

1,149 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Main Security Office, Briefing Hall
Timeline: MD 01, Morning

Jekkar turned his attention Graves. "Commander, since the Captain and the XO won't be here for the festivities, it seems that you'll be stuck with meet and greet duty with the Diplomatic Department."

"Probably, Commander," Paul agreed. "I will make myself available to you and to anyone who needs me as much as I can, however. Is there anything you expect to need from me before the event begins?"

The Andorian shook his head. "I do not think so, I've done it so that you can focus on running the Station."

"Thank you," Paul said. "They haven't discussed it with me yet, but I will need to concentrate on the station if they're both gone."

"Commander Jekkar," Lantz asked, when it seemed the discussion of security might be finished, "even with the addition of Marines, there's a lot of territory to cover - at a minimum the 100 decks of the Promenade, but probably Tivoli Gardens, too - in addition to all the normal security concerns. Plus there will be more than one shift. Is this enough coverage?

"I don't know what your experience is with this kind of event, but mine tells me there will be a large number of people sampling real alcohol. Are you setting down any particular rules or curfews?" Jade hoped she wasn't stepping on anyone's toes by asking, but she needed to know. There was always brawn for hire on a starbase, and she could have Reon vet a few to protect her restaurant and its customers, should she need to do so.

"The casino alone will increase the numbers of people drinking real alcohol," Paul warned. "However, most of them will tend to stay in the casino."

"Very good questions, I must say." Jekkar commented as he turned to Jade. "I'll be imposing curfews in the Gardens and Market Districts with all Security resources focusing on the busier sectors. Holographic checkpoints will be set up also."

Jade nodded, making notes on her PADD. "And what curfew times?" She glanced up. "I'll need to adjust my operating hours, as will other businesses. I'll pass the word through the Vanguard Business Association." Lantz smiled slightly, "Sort of encourage them to ... follow the rules."

"Curfew times?" Leah interjected with disbelief. "What are we? Children? Establishing a curfew will limit the profits that can be made during this event."

Paul stifled the urge to ask Ms. Jamison where on Ferenginar she had been born. "Quiet hours need to be established for the Tivoli Gardens decks, at least," he said. "People live down there, and noise carries in a space station. Disney is holding a midnight fireworks show nightly during Unity Week, correct? Curfew can last from 0100 to 0500 hours for this week. That would give security staff some time to rest, as well." He glanced at Jekkar. "Is that agreeable to you, Commander, or do you need a different curfew schedule?"

"I'm sorry, Commander, I'm going to agree with Miss Jamison on this one. People on this station are working all kinds of different shifts, including night ones, what about those that are working throughout the day wanting a piece of the pie during the night time? It seems a bit bizarre to have a curfew unless you're expecting something major to happen. Which we are not," Maynard spoke up, his usual blunt self.

"On the other hand, none of the events are scheduled to be open between 0100 and 0500, and many of the shops and restaurants are also closed down during those hours, though not all, of course," Jade pointed out.

"Good points," Paul said. "Jekkar, what do you advise? How necessary is a curfew and, if you want one, what hours should it encompass?"

The Andorian sat back and waited for his turn. "A compromise if I may? We leave a curfew the first night or two of Unity Week. But I will impose a curfew as the week progresses. My Staff, as well as the Marines and volunteers who agree to take part in the security detail, will need rest and, gods forbid, if something were to happen, I would want them rested for any altercation."

He scrolled through his information. "As Security Chief responsible for all guests and residents on this Station, it is my decision. Commander Graves has a Station to run in the absence of the Colonel and the XO, and I know he wants all eventualities to be examined."

"That sounds reasonable," Jade agreed, glancing at the Disney executive. "Things do tend to get rowdier as time goes on."

"I think you're taking a wrong step. Either have a curfew all the way through or see how the first few nights shape up, if nothing has happened then don't implement the curfew. Doing it part way through then to suddenly implement one is more than likely to make people angry. Plus there's enough Marines at your disposal to A, keep everything in order or B, keep security maintained 24 hours," Thomas' voice had raised slightly.

"A fleeter with common sense," Leah commented, gesturing to Thomas. "Besides, Disney Inc. has it's own security force that can handle any drunks or squabbles. Seeing tons of uniformed Starfleet guards and Jar Heads will make people uneasy and not want to spend money or enjoy themselves."

Jekkar nodded. "I can appreciate that but on the other hand, the presence of Uniformed Staff has the chance to let them know they are safe and can enjoy the festivities in relative peace." The Andorian Commander then moved onto the next topic. "In other aspects of the week, I've decided to implement Security Checkpoints, here, here and here." He said pointing to the interactive screen.

"There will be armed Security in the sensitive areas, but for a vast majority they will be unarmed." Jekkar commented. "I'll be assuming direct command of all security matters, Lieutenant Summerby will be my Deputy."

"We'll need to keep an eye on the news throughout the week," Paul said. "I wouldn't care to have a repeat of the Bajoran-Cardassian protest happen in the middle of all this. As for this live-action game thing--Ingress--I've never heard of it, but my assistant plays it and requested the three days off. According to her, the players will be the people walking around the starbase with mini-PADDS, gathering near picturesque spots with statuary. She says the mural at the entrance to Pearl with a Chainsaw is a 'Portal,' which means that players are likely to show up there. I just told her to pass along the word that they'd better not get in the way of customers."

The Commander nodded. "I'll make note of that." The Andorian then closed the terminal. "I think we can call it an end here, if you have any further questions or matters of concern I shall be around to answer them or you can leave a note for my Office."


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