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Posted on Sun 11th Jun, 2017 @ 11:37pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

723 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Physics Lab


Jasmine sat in her chair one leg tucked beneath her. She leaned forward resting on her elbow as she stared at the small object she rolled between her two fingers and mulled over what it could be. She wondered to herself what this object could be and what relevance it would have that there would be millions of them scattered over the surface of some planet like pebbles on a beach?

"Computer magnify by 150 percent and project on the vid screen." She said as she placed the small pellet onto the optical scope sitting on her desk. The vid screen came on and Jasmine took a closer look at the screen. "What are you?" She whispered aloud.

"I am the Library Computer Access/Retrieval System version 173.54 alpha." The tinny voice of the computer made Jasmine grin.

"Thank you computer." She looked closer at the object. "Computer I need a complete analysis of this. Can you break it down to its base elements and atomic weight please."

"A complete analysis will take twenty-two minutes."

"Begin analysis computer." Jasmine grinned. She'd find something to fiddle with while she waited on the computer's analysis. Perhaps she would take Oscar for a quick walk. It was then that she noticed that Oscar was sleeping under her desk. He hadn't even jumped up when Lieutenant Biere had been there. As she thought about his visit, Jasmine realized that she had been nervous at first but had actually relaxed and felt at ease in the man's presence...another puzzle? Her hand went to her belly.

"Computer, tell me about the psychic connection between a Betazoid fetus and its mother." Jasmine leaned back in her chair. She knew there was a physical connection to her baby and she knew that the baby could feel her but now she wondered if this child wasn't projecting reassurances to her.

"Medical doctors and some Psychologists believe that the unborn child of a Betazoid may project its feelings of pleasure, happiness, and security to its mother. However this is mostly theoretical and has never been tested in recorded studies. There is proof however that a telepathic mother can communicate to her fetus in many of the psychic species including Ventaxian, Vulcan, Betazoid, Ocampa, and Trill."

Jasmine took note. She'd ask Dr Addams on her next visit. She sat back in her chair and relaxed as she waited for the computer to finish its scans. She rubbed her belly and smiled as she considered the peanut sized life growing there.

"Analysis Complete." The computer interrupted Jasmine's thoughts.

Sitting forward and rolling closer to the console, Jasmine brightened. Rubbing her hands together she was anxious to hear what the scans showed. "Okay computer, what have you got?" She listened as the computer gave the information.

"The object is made of three elements, silver, silicon and an unknown metallic."

"Computer what's the atomic weight of the unknown?"


"Wow, okay and the density?"


"What about inherent dangers? Is there anything deleterious about the object or the compound it's made of?"

"There are no known inherent dangers in the compound or in the object in its inert state."

"Can you replicate the atomic structure of the unknown element?"

"I can simulate an element with the same atomic properties but I can not replicate the object .

"Why can't you replicate it if you can simulate all the elements?"

"Though the elements are easily simulated, the object is too complex to replicate. There are one hundred and twenty seven trillion micro circuits involved. Seven hundred million of them are organic."

"Wait, Organic?" Jasmine sat up and picked up the small object. "So what are you?"

Jasmine was about to delve deeper when the chronometer on her desk rang. It was the end of her shift and she had promised to meet Adam after work. They were going to explore the Unity Week events on the Promenade. She didn't want to be late.

"Okay, whatever you are. You're going to have to wait til tomorrow." Jasmine shut down her console and although she meant to slip the small pellet sized orb into her pocket she left it on the platform as she did a hasty clean up. "Oscar, let's go home boy. " The dog jumped up. He was more than ready for a walk.


Lt Jasmine Collins
Chief Science Officer


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 20th Jun, 2017 @ 2:33am

Oooh, interesting mystery! I look forward to the resolution. Nice interplay with the computer, too.