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Welcome to Vanguard

Posted on Sun 30th Apr, 2017 @ 8:31pm by Lieutenant Thomas Maynard

561 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 1551: Tivoli Gardens

Thomas had got off at the docking station on the runabout he came in on. The journey was a bit boring, but nothing unexpected. He had never worked on a starbase before, and was curious to see what difference, if any, there was to working on one. He had heard a fair bit about Vanguard, some positives and negatives. He heard that Starfleet had left it lying derelict somewhere before deciding to reclaim it back. He heard the Colonel in charge of the base was a bit of a nutter and that he only got into this place because of his Uncle who was high up in Starfleet. That and Starfleet reclaiming this place back meant that some parts were probably still not working like it was meant to be.

One of the positives he had heard was Tivoli Gardens. The Gardens spanned many decks and was unique to this starbase. It meant that there were all sorts of things to be done aboard, even things Thomas in his fairly prime age hadn't actually done, and he was always eager to try something new. He decided to drop his bags off to his personal quarters and spend some alone time to start exploring some of Tivoli Gardens before he had to report for duty. When the work starts, he probably wouldn't get the time to come back so much as he would probably like.

He took the turbolift after dropping his bits off to Deck 1551. He was met with a shallow river running across the deck, it seemed to go on for a fair bit. He could see a mall ahead, but he wasn't interested. Instead he walked to the river and noticed barges on them. He then noticed a barage company which seemed to be taking and dropping tourists off. It was a nice idea, so he walked towards there.

Moments later he found out it was a Ferengi company, mainly due to being met by a Ferengi staff member who explained how the whole company was Ferengi. He was typically small, fairly friendly, but very angry looking. He always struggled to tell Ferengi apart. He found this Ferengi to be very talkative, and it somewhat annoyed Thomas, before he actually piped up, "Look, just get me a ticket and get me on."
The Ferengi muttered under his breath before giving Thomas the ticket he had wanted a fair few minutes ago. He used it to board the barge.

The barge took him across most of the deck, showing him the scenery on this one deck. He could see fruit orchards and vineyards which seemed to stretch along the border of this section, before turning into a desert. Between the mall and the orchards, there were various farmlands. He could see horses among some of the fields and what looked to be children learning how to horse ride on some ponies. All of it was a nice sight. If this is just one deck, the rest of Tivoli Gardens must be great He thought to himself. He spent the rest of his afternoon exploring this deck, the ins and the outs, and even spent some time horseback riding himself. If anything, Tivoli Gardens certainly was unique. Thomas was looking forward to exploring the starbase, maybe not the people though. It was time for his next dose of alcohol...


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Comments (2)

By on Mon 1st May, 2017 @ 12:30am

Clever incorporation of Deck 1551! Thanks for that and for joining us!

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Mon 1st May, 2017 @ 7:59am

Brilliant first post! I think you're going to fit in just fine here! Loved the part about Drake being a bit of a nutter... I think he probably is! Ha!