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Spill those beans please

Posted on Sat 22nd Apr, 2017 @ 10:12am by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere & Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard

1,866 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600

Hunt had decided to meet Patrick Biere, he needed to take his mind off things. He was not one to let stress get the better of him, but he was struggling. Maybe seeing familiar faces might help him. Then might not. They had arranged to meet at Orchids & Jazz, Hunt's favourite spot. He loved the atmosphere inside the place, a unique experience he couldn't find anywhere else. It always made him happy to see the staff inside and how passionate they were about the business and their boss, Miss Lantz. Maybe that happiness would also rub off on Hunt today. Then again...that might not either!

Reon greeted the base executive officer as he entered. "Good day, Sir. Your friend has already arrived and taken a seat at a table near the music. Would you like Jenna to escort you?"

Jade, observing Zachary's entrance had come toward the door. Not only was it good business to create a personal bond with station command, but she also genuinely liked the man.

"That won't be necessary this time. I'll show the commander to his table myself." Jade offered her hand and a smile to the XO. Absently, she noted that the short rose-colored afternoon gown she was wearing complimented the man's true-red uniform. "Welcome to Orchids & Jazz, Commander. It's always a pleasure to see you."

Hunt was unable to respond to Reon before Jade came over, "And a pleasure to see you Miss Lantz as always! How goes business of late?"

"Quite well, actually," she answered, turning to lead him toward the table near the music, but still a little privacy. "Marin keeps churning out great recipes, and the public seems to like what she makes. Oh, that sounds a bit awful doesn't it? As if she were a factory and not a Galactic award winning chef!"

"That's good to hear. A little bit awful, but I won't tell anyone." He let out a half-hearted smile.

Something was off about the commander today, a little spark missing ... he didn't seem to be himself in some nebulous way. Jade determined to keep watch over him in case she found an opportunity to help.

"Here you are," she said, standing out of the line of sight between the young engineer and the executive officer. There weren't actually that many years of age between the two, but the heavy responsibilities that sat on the older man's shoulders gave him an air of maturity the younger one hadn't acquired yet.

"I can highly recommend the special today, if you're hungry," Jade said, as Hunt sat down across from his friend. "It's something new based on a shellfish imported from Elnath. I'm sure you remember when the Elgaard delegation visited? Their ambassador has become something of a friend, and she obtained a trade license for me with their home world. I can assure you that this is a taste experience you won't want to miss."

"I do briefly remember that actually. You know what, go for it, I love trying something new," Hunt said with a small smile. "Patrick, good to see you, the same?"

Biere stood up as Hunt and Jade approached, beaming with his usual giant smile, "Yeah, I'm up for that, too. You know me, I love my food. Big lad with a big appetite!"

"Miss Lantz, would you care to join us, for once?" Hunt turned to her and asked.

"Oh, why ..." she glanced at her timepiece, thinking fast. She was hungry and it would give her a chance to observe Hunt, as well as get to know his friend better. "Yes. I think I will, as long as you've asked so nicely. Let me send our order back, and I'll return." She walked away, the lights in the restaurant causing the color of her dress to shimmer in waves.

Hunt smiled towards Patrick, "Thanks for coming today, it's good to see you again."

"It's always good to see you as well. Do you know Miss Lantz well, whoever she may be!"

Hunt let another smile out, "Patrick, Patrick, Patrick! She owns this fantastic place! I don't know how you've never heard of her!" The first time of late he was beaming with excitement about something.

He went red, slightly embarrassed at not knowing who she was, "Just make sure you don't tell her!"

"I can't promise that," He replied, letting out a wink towards him. He had already managed to cheer him up in the short time he had seen Patrick. He was also quite excited to speak to Jade a bit more, he always enjoyed the conversation with her.

Patrick had already noticed that his friend that was sat opposite him wasn't himself. Something was off about him. He wasn't sure whether to pursue it for now or leave it....he decided to leave it for the time being, watching as Jade walked back towards the pair.

Jade took a seat next to the commander, as he scooted over closer to Patrick, leaving her more room. She smiled at him as she said, "It'll only be a few minutes, one of the perks of eating with the owner is fast service." She winked. A server will be by with drinks shortly, too, a cranberry lemonade I reserve for my special friends."

Looking at Hunt's companion, she hoped to put him at ease by saying, "So you're the commander's friend I've heard about. It's so nice to meet you, at last. Are you as much of a jazz lover as our executive officer?"

Patrick glanced towards Hunt, as if to say 'What have you been saying', "It's nice to meet you as well. Not quite as much unfortunately. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it, though! The jazz scene is more up my wife's street rather than mine!"

"Now you know a place she can come for lunch with her friends. If she likes jazz, she'll appreciate the tip," Jade said, as the server arrived with their food. It was a quiet minute as plates were presented and arranged, and then they were by themselves again.

"If jazz isn't your special thing, what is?" Jade asked Patrick, as she took a bite of the meal she'd only sampled in the kitchen. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Hunt examined the fish on his plate. Fish from Elnath didn't have the distinctive odor of fish from Earth, perhaps because the oceans were fresh water, not salt. The flavor was milder, as well.

"Oh definitely would recommend. I will bring her myself one day. To be honest I'm not too much into music, sports is my area. I've got to use my height for something good. Zach and I do like playing racquetball a fair bit," Patrick replied.

"That we do," Hunt said. "You know, this fish is gorgeous. I really must commend your chef, Jade."

"I'll convey your compliments, Commander. Or, if you prefer, you can meet the famed chef herself after lunch. She's quite amenable to that kind of visitor," Jade laughed lightly. She continued to observe the Commander, and there was definitely something she couldn't put her finger on. It wasn't anything he said, nor his tone of voice ... maybe something in his eyes? It almost seemed as if he were ... how could she put it? Dithering?

"I would very much like to meet her," he replied.

There was a pause as the three of them ate before Patrick broke the silence, "So Jade, how did you get into business? And how did the fascination of Orchids...and well Jazz happen?" He was quite eager to know.

"It isn't very exciting," Jade smiled, reticent about sharing too much of her personal story. "A friend introduced me to jazz. I just liked it, the rhythms, the beat. As for the orchids, my family on earth grew them. It was part of my therapy after being rescued. The business ..." she shrugged, "just seemed to come along when I was looking for an investment. Combining two things I enjoy with people I like ... and food," she laughed, "don't forget food. It seemed like a good idea and I don't regret it."

She finished her fish, and sipped the lemon water to clear her palate. "This isn't the first restaurant. It's the fifth of the same name."

Patrick was disappointed with the reply, expecting a story that was so great, he would go around and tell people himself. That wasn't the case though! "Well I must say it is very quirky, and I do love it. I can't wait to bring my wife here. So have you expanded then? Or have they shut and reopened?"

Patrick glanced at Hunt, noticing an unusual silence from him.

"Oh, opened and closed. We've been on starships as well as bases. This is the second time on a base. Ships go out of commission, starbases ... change. But Orchids and Jazz goes on!"

Jade turned to the commander and asked, "What's keeping you so quiet today? You don't usually let someone else dominate the conversation the way your friend and I have been doing!" Though said in jest, she was beginning to be truly concerned about the darkness she could see in Hunt's aura. It had lightened a little when he first came in, but it was darkening to an indigo that dominated his natural yellow-orange almost to extinction.

Hunt normally carried around more than one color, most people did, especially those in high command. Today, however, the darkness concerned her. It was a color of deep sensitivity, feeling and intuition, all of which would normally have been good things. When it was combined with unusually tense feeling emanating from him, and when it all but obliterated his normal color ... it was definitely a cause for concern. It was leaning toward grief or ... lack of trust, perhaps? What could be on the commander's mind to cause such a change? And how could she help him ... or should she even try?

"Sometimes I let people dominate," he winked, showing his usual sense of humour. "No, seriously though, I have a lot on my mind, and I'm just trying to figure out how to go about it. I got some help and advice from the counselor, but to be honest I'm here at the moment just to delay what I have to do."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Jade asked. "Or should we just butt out, as my adopted grandmother used to say?"

At that moment, looking beyond the XO, Jade saw a familiar face rapidly approaching. "Say, isn't that the Chief Engineer? I didn't know he was back!"

"Jade!!!" The ChEng called out as he rushed over to where his friend was siting, almost dropping his small duffel in the process. "What is that wondrously tantalizing scent permeating throughout the promenade?" he asked as he approached her.

Before Jade could even answer, Shepard realized who Jade was sitting with at the table. "Sir, I'm sorry." Rico straightened out his uniform and stood up straight as he could. "Chief Ops Officer Rico Shepard reporting home, Sir," he said with a smile on his face.



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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sat 22nd Apr, 2017 @ 2:14pm

So glad to see Rico back! I really enjoyed this post, you all. :)
