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Uneasy Feeling

Posted on Mon 10th Apr, 2017 @ 1:43am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,011 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: The River Walk, Deck 1554
Timeline: MD 03, 1800

Walking around the area that was the scene for the large protest only 24 hours before, Andrew kept getting the same conflicting feelings of uneasiness and calmness. The whole situation was something he couldn't easily explain.

Hoping to get an inkling of anything that may have caused the instantaneous calmness among everybody, he spotted a familiar woman across the way. She was also at the protest trying to get any information she could, by any means necessary. It was something Andrew wasn't fond of at the time, but certainly a trait he respected.

Realizing it was a long shot, Andrew decided to walk over anyway, "Excuse me, ma'am. Sorry to bother you, but I seem to remember you lingering around at the protest. I'm Lieutenant Eberstark. I was hoping I could ask you a couple questions?"

Caroline laughed and said, "Well, that's the shoe on the other foot, isn't it? But sure, why not? What can I do for you, Lieutenant?"

Smiling, Andrew nodded, "I'm glad you see the irony in the situation and thank you for your time." Glancing around the room once more and trying to choose his words carefeully, he said, "I know this is going to sound a little odd, but did you happen to notice the near universal wave of calmness when the crowd dispersed and the Vulcan woman stepped forward?"

"Boy, did I!" Miss Post responded. "I think everyone must have. Did you notice that the fighting died down around her right away and then seemed to spread out over the crowd? It was almost as if she were sending out a wave of peace." The reporter thought about those moments she and her vid-man had been recording the holo of the protest. Thoughtfully, she added, "I don't believe I've ever seen such an effect from anyone before, and certainly not from a Vulcan. Did that continue in the turbo-lift?"

Andrew nodded in agreement, and thought back to the discussion in the turbolift and with the Colonel. The memory made him feel even more uneasy, realizing it had in fact continued without him fully taking note at the time.

Trying his best to avoid answering the question directly, he focused back on the woman, "Couldn't really tell you. I had a lot of other things on my mind at the time. However, I was wondering if you, or more to the point, your associate, were able to record anything unusual or out of the ordinary when she stepped forward," he paused. " You know, besides the whole protest and violence part."

Caroline shook her head. "No. In fact, Harry and I were hoping something would come through the holo vid, but there wasn't anything to indicate how she did it. Of course, speculated quite a bit. Was she really Vulcan, or was she perhaps a shapeshifter from the Delta Quadrant. Maybe part Vulcan and part ... Betazoid? But I never heard they could control other's emotions, only read them. She didn't seem to have any evil designs on anyone. Quite the opposite, in fact. Still ...."

The reporter remembered the feeling of calm that had settled over her, and apparently everyone else at the protest. "It was a bit eerie, wasn't it? I'm not a fan of someone controlling me, and that's essentially what she did, even if the outcome was ... positive. Do you think everyone was aware of that feeling? Or were there some of us who were more sensitive to what was happening?"

Shrugging, Andrew replied "I don't enjoy thinking about being controlled either. And more sensitive? Possibly. Or maybe some of us were just more aware of it. After all, the protester's emotions were running high to begin with. They weren't exactly thinking clearly. Who knows if they even realized what was happening."

Shaking his head in frustration, "All good questions, though. I've been exploring a lot of possibilities but nothing that even comes close to hard evidence," deliberately being vague, "I have other options to explore, but that may take some time."

Forcing a smile, he extended a hand, "Well, thanks for the talk. I don't want to take up too much of your time. I'm sure you're busy with all the action over the past few days. It was nice to formally get acquainted," pausing, realizing the road he was going down with someone in her profession but decided to ask anyway, "If you do happen to find something that could be useful, I would appreciate if you passed the information my way."

Caroline met his hand and shook it. "Absolutely, I will do that, and if I think it's to sensitive, you can also count on me to keep it out of the news. I believe in reporting what's interesting, and what people have a right to know, but sometimes there are things that should not become general knowledge, or at least not until someone who sees a bigger picture than I do gives an okay. I appreciate your confidence, and this conversation remains our own speculations. You aren't going to suddenly find your name in the news."

Smiling, she dropped his hand. Most security, tactical and operations types didn't like reporters, as evidenced by the reaction she'd had from Commander Jekkar. Eberstark seemed like someone with whom she could work, however, to the benefit of both. He'd also brought up some points that would bear further thinking and investigation.

Andrew nodded and felt a little more at ease, "Much appreciated. Again, thank you for your time."

As they parted, Andrew continued his visual inspection of the area as he thought on the conversation that just happened. It was a risk to be sure, but one he felt worth taking considering the circumstances. It may have not got him any closer to solving the immediate problem, but Andrew felt that they would be speaking again soon. And despite the pleasant dialogue on the surface, Andrew reminded himself of his responsibilities to Starbase Vanguard and that she was a reporter first and foremost. He would have to be on guard during their next conversation.


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