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Villain Enter, Stage Right

Posted on Sat 28th Jan, 2017 @ 4:17pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Zachary Hunt

651 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 128: External Docking Port #4
Timeline: MD-01: 0910 Hours

Drake stood with Hunt and Winchester in the large docking bay, waiting for the Excelsior Class, USS McNab, to perform final checks before releasing her passengers. One of the biggest mysteries in life was why Admirals always insisted on travelling on Excelsior Class starships. It was true that they were tremendous work horse ships and, with some tweaking, could be made to be very comfortable... but they were hardly common place in the fleet any more and were never really designed to transport flag officers around.

He tugged on his tunic for the tenth time in as many minutes.

"If you pull that any more, it's going to rip" Winchester said as harshly as ever, speaking as if he were addressing a cadet.

Drake shot him a glance, "You know I don't like it when flag officers visit. Nothing good ever comes of it!"

"Let's just say hello to this fruit cake, push him in the direction of his quarters and get on with the day job. I haven't got time to be pissing about showing some Admiral around the station, because he fancies a tour."

Drake smiled, "Graham, you would quite literally be the last person I would ask to give anyone a tour of any facility."

"Ay, I wouldn't do it anyway" He retorted.

This was the sort of banter that Drake had missed... he realised that having Winchester on the station was going to make the world of difference.

Hunt raised his eyebrow...the usual Hunt mannerism. This was a different sort of Drake to what Hunt was used to. He made a mental note of how Drake was around Winchester, and wondered why this man made Drake different to how he normally was around Vanguard. He continued to observe.

Presently a set of smaller doors opened to the right of the main docking doors, which remained closed. There, without any entourage and just a singular back over his shoulder stood an altogether Unremarkable man. The picture Drake had shown the senior staff the day before seemed to have made his eyes shine brighter and given him the illusion of being somewhat taller - he was of average height and, if anything, too thin. He walked towards them, the pips of a Rear-Admiral sitting atop the teal coloured uniform of the sciences, adorned with the additional belt that Admirals favoured wearing.

"Admiral Dobbs" Drake smiled a big smile, he just hoped Winchester was doing the same. "My name is Colonel Drake, I trust you had a pleasant journey?" He extended his hand.

"I had a very nice journey Colonel, thank you" He smile outdid Drake's ten to one and his grip was a fierce one for someone of his size, Drake returned the show of force.

"Would you allow me to introduce you to my Executive Officer, the recently promoted Commander Zachary Hunt." He extended his arm, palm open, as if showing off a piece at an exhibition.

Dobbs shook Hunt's hand ferociously, "Commander, congratulations! Well done!"

Hunt smiled back, "Many thanks. It's good to meet you, sir."

"And my Command Chief, Chief Warrant Officer Graham Winchester." Drake hesitantly said.

"Mr. Winchester... you need no introduction! I'm well aware of who you are and, may I say, it's my honour and privilege to you." The handshake was more controlled this time.

"I could say the same about you, Admiral. One of the few people who might match my headcount during the war." Winchester met his glaze.

A moment passed... the two officers had both their hands and eyes locked... it was broken by the Admiral increasing his smile to inhuman proportions.

"No where near, Mr. Winchester! Who have you been speaking to?" The smile turned into a laugh... everyone laughed.

"Well, Admiral" Drake broke the uncomfortable moment, "As requested it's just us here to meet you. Shall we show you to your quarters?"

"Thank you, Colonel. Yes, please."


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