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Oh what fun it is...

Posted on Wed 11th Jan, 2017 @ 4:02am by

824 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Tags: silentnight

Sara kicked the bulkhead near her bridge station, easily reached since she wasn't housed in 'fleet luxury. It already seemed like a dozen years since the shopping trip where she'd run into Simoné and had such fun teasing the Marines and spending credits she'd earned when there was no place to shop.

"One murder of an obnoxious captain isn't enough? Plenty of people to want him dead." Sara herself was keeping mum about her reasons. If the other two didn't know about her criminal past, there was no need to bring it up now.

"Now there's another one. I don't like this. Not one little bit," Sara complained to the other two seated with her. "And don't look at me like that. You know very well no one misses Kringle, and everyone had a reason to want him dead." She kicked the bulkhead again, looking like a sullen teen-ager.

"How long are we going to have to wait here for questioning, and just how many more of us are going to die, that's what I'd like to know." She eyed her two companions suspiciously. I'd settle for figuring out how you two are involved, she thought, knowing they were probably thinking the same about her.

"I just want this whole thing to end," Cris said. "If we can't get off this ship, then let's at least pick up our passengers and go--if we'll even have passengers willing to travel with us after this." He sighed. "Dammit, this is so stupid!"

They were all suspects, all in this room waiting, any one of them could be the killer. Frederick had eyed them all up, I wonder who it could be , he thought. "I don't see how they are going to even to find this murderer? They've taken long enough!"

Cris sipped at a cup of tepid coffee and wished he had finished it while it was still hot. I wish a lot of futile things, he thought and mentally saw nothing but doors closing in front of him. What gaming software company would hire him now, with a cloud of suspicion and an unsolved murder (or two) over his head? Yes, exactly--none. "It really hasn't been all that long," he said aloud to Frederick. "Only what, a couple of days? It does seem like forever, though."

"Well the first night I got stuck with Rudolph and I don't really remember that, maybe the banging head and the sick feeling from all the alcohol makes every passing day seem like longer," He raised a smile back.

"I don't know how that guy can stand the hangovers," Cris said, glad of the distraction. "I couldn't do it. I'd never be able to game if I drank like he does."

"Rudolph loves it more than anyone else. Maybe to forget everything. He made a nice cheerful comment saying no one is getting paid because of us not working. Very cheerful," Frederick said sarcastically.

Cris grunted. "There are things I'd like to forget, too, but it's not like that would do any good. I guess you could say I play my games to forget them, but the real world is always there."

"How much I would like to lose myself in a fictional universe at times," Frederick sighed. "Either that or I need a girlfriend!" He winked at Sara and let out a chuckle.

Sara had only been half listening, but she saw Frederick's wink and gave him a small smile. "Why don't they question us or let us go? We all have things to do. Surely this second murder makes it easier to eliminate us so we can get on with our lives?" She looked around at the others in the room. She was pretty sure Frederick was innocent of the first murder, at least, so that probably meant the second, as well. And Cris? He couldn't really account for his actions the night he was supposedly drinking with Erick ... and that meant he couldn't really alibi Erick, either. But then ... Erick wasn't stuck in this room with them, was he? And what about John Plum?

"So, John, what were you doing the nights of the murders?" Sara asked, pretending to tease, but really curious.

"Welcome to Starfleet," Presenté sarcastically said, before shutting up ready for John's answer.

John looked at the other three and then said in his most sardonic way, "What nights were those?" He patted his clothing with both hands, then shrugged his shoulders. "Oops, I don't seem to have my calendar with me."

Sara scowled at him. "If you aren't going to take this seriously, you might as well not be here."

"That'd be okay with me," John said. "I didn't want to come be grilled by some Starfleet dog nose anyway."



Sara Flake
John Plum
Frederick Presente
Cris Tree
(Crew of the SS Silent Night


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