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Promenade Air

Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2016 @ 1:25am by

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: Docking Port
Timeline: MD1, 0715 Hours

The Dopterian ship eventually came to dock at Starbase Vanguard, landing inside one of the large opening bays in a dramatic scene of 24th century technology and efficiency. Standing alongside the port as the large ship came to rest was an odd guest.

It took some time before the first Dopterians left their ship. The bystander didn't know exactly where the travelers would be exiting from. But he stood waiting. And he was bearing gifts, promotional of course.

See, Dopterians are a distant relative to Ferengi. There was one Ferengi on board who was hoping to cash in. Nez, manager of the Lower Lounge, stood a few feet from the aft of the vessel. At least, he figured it was the aft. He wasn't sure.

At his side were a few crates of slug-o-cola. The Dopterians were closely related enough to enjoy this Ferengi beverage. After an agonizing wait, the first travelers exited their ship. Some used the transporter. Others began climbing out the hatches. Of course many stayed inside of their ship. But those who ventured out were treated to an advertisement for the Lower Lounge.

"Slug-o-cola... 43% algae in each bottle, only at the Lower Lounge." The Ferengi would hand off a bottle.

"Deck 686, Bottom of the Promenade. Get your drinks from across the Quadrants." He handed off another bottle. Of course, they were the small size. Nez wasn't made of latinum.

"Shots of Andorian Ale. Bolian Whiskey. How about some Vulcan Brandy? Come to the Lower Lounge. Deck 686. Bottom floor of the Promenade."

Nez grabbed one of the short Dopterians by the collar. He whispered. "Did I mention, the Orion female?"

The traveler took his slug-o-cola with a grin and patted the Ferengi on the back.

At least one of the newcomers took the advertising to heart. Crewman First Rate John Plum went straight to the turbolift and right to deck 686. He could use a good drink. Things had been terrible since the murder. In truth he'd felt stifled for some time. He hadn't been happy for awhile. Not since he was passed up for the First Mate position.

Plum thought he was just as good as anybody for that spot. So what if he had a bit of a drinking issue? He liked to have fun and unwind. If drinking was his escape, than so be it. Who was anybody to judge him? These were the kinds of thoughts in Plum's head.

Conveniently, the Lower Lounge was right next to the turbolift's exit. The diminutive, scaly alien made his way into the dark mood lighting and neon accents of the Lounge. There was a funky tune from one of the outer colonies playing as the first traveler made his way up to a seat at the bar.

The place was fairly empty, with it being only 7 in the morning. The thing with space is that time is fluid on the station. For Plum, he just got off a long shift. It didn't quite feel like morning. Besides, it was 1700 hours somewhere. Plus that Ferengi was just so convincing. Orion woman, hmm? Plum would have to check her out.

And now he sat, staring deep into her honey-brown eyes. "What'll ya have, early bird?" She asked him.

He leaned forward, staring, captivated by her beauty and subconsciously, her pheromones. He peeled his eyes away from her to study the drink menu.

"You know, I'll have a Jestral tea. Is it true what they say?"

"That depends on what they say", the Orion said with an innocent but coy look on her face. She wondered what he was referring to.

"The tea. They say it's good for anti-anxiety."

"It'll mellow you out, if that's what you're asking."

"Good." The ridged alien shifted back on the barstool. "Things have been... Tense."

"We heard your ship was coming in. We opened up the bar early for you guys."

Now Plum turned on the charm with the flirting. "You would do that for little old us?"

Tassaa replied, equally flirtatious. "I did that for you." She pointed and rubbed his shoulder before giggling and turning away. She was good. Her pheromones were having a reduced effect on the Dopterian's body. But she was still very good. She wore a short brown dress with yellow accents that really seemed to bring out her eyes.

A few moments later, she brought over a large vase like container with a bright golden liquid inside. She poured it into a glass, taking care to restock the decanter. She took the glass and brought it to the little man. He exchanged a few slips of latinum for it before quickly taking a sip. To him, the beverage was quite alien, yet still tasty. He watched the golden liquid as it seemed to glow in his glass.

"A guy could get used to a place like this", he called to the Orion woman.

"You are welcome here anytime." She came close once more. "So what brings you to the bar at this hour?"

"I can't sleep and I've been stuck with that crew for awhile now. I needed to get some air. Even if it's just Promenade air."

"What happened on that ship?"

"I", Plum stammered. "I.. can't talk about it. You understand."

The Orion shrugged. Plum took another drink of the golden beverage. He could feel tension easing in his shoulders. His back felt loose and tender. This tea was already relaxing him. His mind was still moving rapidly though. He was shook up. Anyone would be, with what happened on the ship.

Tassaa could see the man was troubled by the way he stared at his glass before taking a drink.

"And what do you do on the ship, Mister"....

"Plum.. And I am basically Ops. I mean I could have been the first mate but..." Plum trailed off and folded his hands. "But life just doesn't work out how you expect it."

Tassaa smiled. She found this strange little alien intriguing. She hoped his crewmates would eventually make their way to the Lower Lounge. Besides, she and Nez both knew they needed to move that slug-o-cola.

"Is it true what they say? That Betazoid can't read your thoughts?"

"That's right?"

"I know what you're thinking", said Tassaa in a sultry voice. The light seemed to dance off her pale green skin. "You're wondering what's a nice Orion girl doing in a place like this with some Ferengi."

"Well now that you mention it."

"I love business. Nez gave me a fair cut. He's a softy, you know. I think this is the right spot to open a bar. We're starting small, but if our forecasts are right, we could be sitting on a gold mine. Besides..." She winked. "I do love my interactions with people."

Plum chuckled and took another drink of his tea.

"You're almost done. Let me get you another."

It was hard for Plum to say no, especially when the tea had relaxed him so much. And maybe Tassaa's pheromones were working after all. It was going to be a long day at the bar for Crewman First Rate John Plum.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 26th Nov, 2016 @ 9:47pm

Ooooh, and will he relax enough to spill the beans? Great insight to the Orion woman. I have a better handle on who she is now.