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Burning the Midnight Oil

Posted on Fri 21st Oct, 2016 @ 11:13pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Sianna Dal

1,536 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Deck 600: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD 2, 2020

It had been the end of a problematic day on Vanguard, Hunt was relieved the day was nearly over. 'Tomorrow couldn't be even worse, could it?' he thought to himself.

He shrugged that thought away, trying not to even think about tomorrow. Hunt wondered how Drake would have managed all this, he managed to do his best in his absence and was sure Drake wouldn't have done much different. Hunt suddenly realized he was thinking too much, he had to let off some steam...'What was that place Jade worked in called again?' He thought to himself, trying to pluck the name from his head... least he remembered Jade, he mused.

It took him a few minutes to realize it was Orchids & Jazz, he wasn't sure how he would forget a name like that. He decided that was how the steam was going to be let off for today, a visit to Orchids & Jazz. He started making his way to the Promenade wondering what it had in store for him. He was quietly excited.

Even the most expensive brandy tastes wrong when drinking alone. It had been a bit of human wisdom from her uncle, a distinctly human perspective of a species that evolved as pack hunters. Perhaps it was an acquired taste, but Sianna Dal could never enjoy a drink alone. It tasted odd. There was a bitter, sharp, metallic undercurrent to the taste when she did. So, her wanderings brought her to the lounge.

Perhaps it was conditioning from the hours spent in the holodeck, but with a name like Orchids and Jazz, the Orion expected a thick, choking atmosphere of smoke. The absence of it was a mild disappointment, even if the music met Sianna's conditional approval. Though hardly a connoisseur, apart from a brief Charleston fad during her university days, the Orion did enjoy human music, far more than the overly intricate assaults on the senses some species preferred.

Things were going well, all things considered. A little contretemps in the kitchen earlier in the day had been smoothed out, and now Jade leaned against the beautiful gnarled oak bar listening to the liquid warmth of Docha Nata's voice singing "Body and Soul". Her voice was underlaid by the Dendrobians, a local jazz combo comprised of off-duty personnel, and the combined sound was purely perfect, to Jade's ear.

She watched as Reon spoke to an Orion officer and then a human, each of whom he directed toward the bar. Straightening herself from the casual position she'd been holding, she rested her elbows on the bar, hands flat against its surface as she watched first the Orion and then the human approaching. They seemed to be about the same age, and what she knew of each, which wasn't much, ran through her head. She smiled at the Orion woman, the first to take a seat in front of her.

"Good evening, and welcome to my jazz club. What can I get for you?"

Sianna Dal couldn't muster the energy for a glare, barely enough for a mildly annoyed look at most, drudge work was exhausting, "Cognac. Don't care if it's good as long as it's strong."

"I don't normally stock it, but I can replicate any brand you'd like," Jade told her. "I can suggest the Altairian Brandy as an alternative. Though blue, it has about the same alcoholic content."

The Orion frowned, then shrugged, "Scotch, then. Islay if you have it, but any will do, really."

"I do," Jade said, and in moments the glass was set before the officer. She served it without ice. Anyone who knew enough to order Islay knew enough to have it straight from the bottle.

Hunt wasn't far behind Sianna en route to the bar, "Well look who it is, Sianna Dal and the lovely Jade Lantz. Two friendly faces whom I've only had the courtesy of meeting once before!" He flashed a smile towards Jade. "I would like to try the Amber Falls Ale now that Sianna has her drink!"

"A man of discerning taste," Jade smiled, reaching under the bar for a chilled ale glass. It was only a few steps down the length of the highly polished wood to the spigot for Amber Falls. Setting the frosty glass on a napkin in front of the XO, Jade said to both, "I take it you two know each other, then."

He flashed another smile back at her, "Cheers. Only briefly at the staff briefing, so basically on name terms, nothing more yet."

Sianna Dal hummed for a moment before adding, "I've read the Lieutenant's personnel file." She'd read everyone's, naturally, forewarned is forearmed, after all. "But we haven't been formally introduced."

"Well the time is now," Hunt quipped. "And may I add, what a lovely venue you have here, Jade!"
Hunt wasn't even trying to be nice, he was actually pleasantly surprised by Orchids & Jazz.

"Thank you. I like it. Seeing someone else enjoy it is always pleasant," she said.

"I must agree ... though I'm more impressed by the speed you've set this up. The station hasn't been active long." Taking a sip of her drink, the Orion glanced at the bartender through half-lidded eyes, "Any chance I could talk you into working for me? It pays well, there's diplomatic immunity involved and I can get you a cute aide or three ..."

Hunt raised an eyebrow as Dal spoke to Jade, he decided to actually keep quiet for once to see how Jade would respond.

"No, but thank you for the, um ... tempting offer. Owning Orchids & Jazz keeps me plenty busy as it is." Jade heard a lot of information over this beautiful bar, but she wasn't going to volunteer to pass any of it along ... or be paid to do so, either. She collected stories; she didn't share them. Any other work, such as organizing ... that was just boring detail and held no attraction.

"You let me know if you ever need a job, though," Jade said raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure you have many useful talents and could teach me a thing or two about diplomacy."

"You must see all kinds of people in this bar Jade, I'm sure you already know a thing or two about everything. You should give working here a go Sianna, it would be interesting," Hunt mused to the Orion.

The diplomat shot him a thoughtful look, rather than dismiss the offer out of hand, "I could be convinced to work here ..." her expression morphing into a grimace, Sianna continued, "It seems better than having to deal with administrative matters. I suppose I could let someone else set up procedures, sections and lines of communication, but then it wouldn't work how I like." With a finger raised and a faint smile, the Orion added, "Of course, I would insist on sprucing the place up a bit. Whatever you might have to say about the Colonies, they know how to make a proper lounge."

"Oh, but I think its perfect and quirky...I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm sure Jade would agree with me! If she didn't then it would already be changed!" Hunt laughed.

"Get your own place, then," Jade laughed. "Orchids & Jazz is a fine restaurant, set up just the way it was meant to be, and there will be no redecorating in your lifetime," she added, more severely. Some things she didn't joke about. "However, you're welcome to hide out here any time you need a break from all those admin duties and being nice to people you really don't like."

Hunt chuckled, before taking a sip of his Ale which had sat untouched, "Wow! That really is something special!" He took another sip, seemingly lost himself over the Ale.

"I'm glad you like it. It's made right here by our chef, from honey meade and the finest barley in this sector," Lantz told him.

"Oh, I'm sure this place will become quite the refuge. Probably see a few negotiations, as well ..." with a thoughtful glance at the surroundings, the diplomat drained her glass, "Some cultures react better to informal environments." Considering her now-empty glass, Sianna added, "Hmmm, might even need to open a tab here. Is that even possible?"

"We can ... negotiate," grinned Jade.

"I would like to see how some cultures would take this place," Hunt replied. "Very interesting." He finished the rest of his Ale. "A tab....Sounds like a great idea. If so, pop them together and I've got this. And another one of these fabulous ales!"

"Right, charges to you, and another ale," Jade replied. "What about you, Lieutenant? Another Islay?" She thought of the bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label that she'd never opened. It had been a gift from another restaurant owner, one who had disappeared one day, leaving behind locked doors. A story whose ending she might never know. But ... someday she might open that bottle for someone. She, herself, never drank anything but water, lemon Coke, and her own blends of herbal teas. Maybe the Orion would be someone who got to taste it.

"You shouldn't even have to ask, another Islay it is for Sianna!" Hunt exclaimed.


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